1. 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time; 2. Blood Drive at St. Scholastica June 30; 3. Fr. Parker Retirement June 30; 4. Black Catholic Women's Conference; 5. Summer Movie Nights at St. Scholastica; 6. Exult 2024 - July 3 at Corpus Christi; 7. Pilgrimage to South Bend July 5; 8. Considering Catholicism: 9. Focus Life Retreat;
1. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time; 2. Graduate Recognition June 22/23; 3. Movie Nights at St. Scholastica; 4. Focus: LIFE Retreat; 5. Blood Drive at St. Scholastica; 6. Fr. Parker retirement; 7. Exult Ministry Tour at Corpus Christi; 8. Pilgrimage to South Bend; 9. Daughters of Charity Search & Serve week; 10. Save the Date - Black Catholic Women's Conference - August 10; 11. Considering Catholicism; 12.
1. Happy Father's Day to all dads! 2. Graduate Recognition; 3. Mass for Peace & Justice - Detroit Black Catholic Ministry; 4. Blood Drive June 30 at St. Scholastica; 5. Fr. Parker retiring from St. Charles Lwanga Parish; 6. Hot Dog Tuesdays; 7. Exult at Corpus Christi; 8. Pilgrimage to South Bend; 9. Daughters of Charity Search & Serve week; 10. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10; 11. Considering Catholicism? 12.
1. Sunday June 9 - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time; 2. Considering Catholicism; 3. Thank you so much for Volunteers for Feast Day celebration; 4. Graduate Recognition weekend June 22/23; 5. Exult 2024 at Corpus Christi July 3; 6. Hot Dog Tuesdays; 7. Summer Camp June 10-28; 8. Pilgrimage to South Bend July 5; 9. Daughters of Charity Search & Serve week July 6-11; 10. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10
1. Listening Session for 'One in the Spirit' family of parishes on May 30; 2. Feast of Corpus Christi June 2; 3. AOD Regional Eucharistic Congress June 1 - St. Scholastica; 4. Procession from St. Scholastica to Corpus Christi & Ice Cream Social at Corpus Christi; 5. Hot Dog Tuesdays; 6. Considering Catholicism; 7. Summer Camp June 10-28; 8. Pilgrimage to South Bend July 5; 9. Daughters of Charity Search & Serve week July 6-11; 10. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10; 11.
1. News from Corpus Christi - Feast of Most Holy Trinity May 25/26; 2. News from St. Scholastica - AOD Regional Eucharistic Congress June 1; 3. More news from Corpus Christi - Hot Dog Tuesdays; 4. World Children's Day May 25/26; 5. Feast of Corpus Christi June 2; 6. Considering Catholicism; 7. Summer Camp; 8. Pilgrimage of South Bend July 5; 9. Daughters of Charity Search & Serve week July 6-11; 10. Black Catholic Women's Conference Aug 10
1. News from Corpus Christi - May 18/19 - Feast of Pentecost; 2. News from St. Scholastica - AOD Regional Eucharistic Congress June 1; 3. More news from Corpus Christi - Considering Catholicism; 4. May 19 O'Hair Park Cleanup; 5. Virtus Update; 6. Feast of Corpus Christi - June 2; 7. Hot Dog Tuesdays; 8. Summer Camp; 9. Pilgrimage to South Bend July 5; 10. Daughters of Charity July 6-11 Search & Serve week; 11. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10;
1. May 11/12 - Feast of the Ascension of the Lord; 2. The week ahead; 3. News from St. Scholastica - AOD Regional Eucharistic Congress June 1; 4. More News from Corpus Christi - Virtus Update; 5. Hot Dog Tuesdays; 6. Feast of Corpus Christi June 2; 7. Summer Camp; 8. Considering Catholicism: 9. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10
1. Today, May 1, Feast of St. Joseph the Worker; 2. News from St. Scholastica - May 4 - Beautification Day; 3. AOD Regional Eucharistic Congress - June 1 at St. Scholastica; 4. More from Corpus Christi - Virtus Training; 5. Hot Dog Tuesdays; 6. Mothers Day; 7. Corpus Christi Feast Day June 2; 8. Considering Catholicism; 9. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10, 2024
1. Fifth Sunday of Easter; 2. News from St. Scholastica - May 4th Beautification Day; 3. Archdiocesan Regional Eucharistic Congress - June 1 at St. Scholastica; 4. Volunteers needed for the Congress; 5. News from Corpus Christi - Virtus training; 6. Christ the King Parish Garage Sale; 7. Considering Catholicism?; 8. Trip to Birch Run Premium Outlet; 9. Black Catholic Women's Conference - August 10, 2024;
1. This coming weekend April 20 & 21; 2. St. Scholastica Become the Fire April 19; 3. St. Scholastica beautification day - May 4; 4. AOD Regional Eucharistic Congress at St. Scholastica - June 1; 5. Corpus Christi - Our Alleluias Continue; 6. VIRTUS training required for all volunteers; 7. Volunteer Party photos; 8. Needed - folks to take Holy Communion to shut-ins; 9. Christ the King grade school video; 10. Considering Catholicism? 11. Trip to Birch Run Premium Outlet on May 4; 12. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10
1. Funeral Arrangements for Bishop Thomas Gumbleton; 2. Volunteer Party on April 14; 3. News from St. Scholastica - May 4th Beautification Day; 4. Archdiocesan Regional Eucharistic Congress on June 1 at St. Scholastica; 5. Easter Season - Our Alleluias Continue!; 6. Virtus Training; 7. Future Corpus Christi events - trip to Birch Run Premium Outlet; 8. Black Catholic Women's Conference August 10, 2024
1. Palm Sunday Weekend Schedule; 2. Holy Thuirsday communal meal and mass; 3. Good Friday; 4. Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday; 5. Upcoming events at Corpus Christi; 6. Upcoming events at St. Scholastica; 7. Easter Sunday gifts for our children; 8. Funeral Arrangements for Pat Plain's brother; 9. Corpus Christi Volunteer Party; 10. Trip to Birch Run Premium Outlets; 11. Archdiocesan Regional Eucharistic Congress;
1. Events at Corpus Christi in the next 5 days; 2. Upcoming Events at St. Scholastica; 3. Big Liturgical Events in March, 2024; 4. Parish Mission March 17-20, 2024; 5. Holy Thursday Communal Meal; 6. Lenten Events; 7. Children's Reconciliation Service & Adults are Welcome! 8. Events after Easter
1. Items in the next 5 days at Corpus Christi; 2. Events at St. Scholastica; 3. More upcoming items; 4. Lenten Events; 5. Generations of Faith; 6. Parish Mission March 17-20, 2024 7. Children's Reconciliation Service & Adults Welcome; 8. Holy Thursday Communal Meal; 9. Events after Easter
1. Lent Begins Feb. 14; 2. Easter Season Gtherine; 3. Black History Month; 4. Coffee and Donuts will be available on Feb. 18; 5. At. St. Scholastica - Eucharist Revival; 6. Fr. Jim's Homily on Eucharist Revival; 7. Become the Fire; 8. Lenten Emmaus Groups; 9. Generations of Faith; 10. Movie for Black History Month - Bakhita; 11. Free Smoke Alarms available from American Red Cross
1. Upcoming Week; 2. Events at St. Scholastica; 3. Eucharist Revival; 4. Fr. Jim Lowe's homily on Eucharist Revival; 5. Future Items - Ash Wednesday; 6. Generations of Faith; 7. Lenten Emmaus Groups; 8. Easter Season Gathering; 9. Black History Month; 10. Movie for Black History Month