Alleluia, Arise! Connect with Jesus! His Resurrection is Ours!
Breaking News!!! You no longer need to register for in-person Mass attendance!!!
A. Today’s Special Items
1. Fr. Patrick’s Easter Season Holy Homework Memorize and declare Luke 4:18-19, the mission statement of Jesus, which is ours as well!
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”
Memorize it, declare it, and ask the Lord for the grace to live it like never before!
2. Fr. Patrick hosts the Beachnaus on AOD UTG Episode 67 Jordan and Napoli Beachnau join Fr. Patrick and Emily to discuss marriage as a vocation, a sacrament, and a way to live the Gospel. Click button below to listen to their discussion.
Generations of Faith 2020/21 Why Do I Need the Church?
When you hear the word Church, what comes to mind? A building? the Pope and Bishops? agathering of believers? This month’s video explores the Church as a communion of all believers, as the Body of Christ, as branches joined to the vine that is Christ. Saint John Paul II said, “we’re saved like a cluster of grapes.” What does he mean?
Learn more by watching this enlightening video from FORMED and, of course, a panel discussion with Corpus Christi parishioners can be found at the end of the video. Don’t miss it.
Click theButton below to go to the parish website
To print the handout: Click on Session 6 Handouts/Adults
To see the video: click on Generation of Faith Videos then on ADULTS 2020-2021SESSION Six
4. AOD Easter Season Study of Acts of the Apostles A great way to enjoy Scriptures during the Easter Season!!!! I (Dcn Paul) have to admit that one of the books of the Bible that I treasure the most is the Acts of Apostles. Holy coincidence! The Archdiocese is offering an internet series during the seven weeks of the Easter season. Briefly, they’ll send us materials once a week that we can use to study the Acts individually … or we can form small groups to do it together. Click on the button for Week Two covering chapters 5 to 8 of Acts.
5. Family of Parishes—Our first Family Gatherings! To help us and other parishes transition to a Family of Parishes on July 1st, the Archdiocese is facilitating gatherings for the parishes. These gatherings will be virtual and everyone is invited. There are three dates for our family’s gatherings: Fridays, May 21st, June 18th and July 16th. The gatherings will be at 5pm and you can register to attend (virtually) here:
6. Family of Parishes -- Learn More about Family of Parishes
The Archdiocese of Detroit is offering more insights into the Family of Parishes efforts with a variety of media choices ... articles, videos, and courses. Here are five of those options – each a separate link:
The third item, the course, is well endorsed by our Carolyn Wilson.
It has one short introductory video followed by four others each about 30 minutes in length
7. A Retreat Take-Away
Have you had an experience like this? You have just received Holy Communion and something distracts you. You knelt down and banged your knee. Ouch! Or, “Wonder what we are having for lunch today?” Or, “Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom.” No problems like that? Just skip the rest of this short article! … Last week I had the blessings of a four-day retreat at Manresa, the Jesuit retreat house at Quarton Road and Woodward. The simplicity, the weather and the peace were great ways to extend the joys of the Easter Season. There were some Jesuit prayers that were new to me. One of the prayers I found was a great tool to help me when distracted at Communion time. It was simple and anonymous. Yes, I could not resist adding the yellow highlighting … one of my current compulsions. (Dcn Paul)
“You” prayer at Communion time
Thank you, Lord, for coming to me again and again! You are so generous with your gift to me and to others. You chose such a humble form, simply bread, simply wine. Thank you for reminding me through all five senses.
Seeing you in bread and wine
Hearing your bread broken by the priest
Feeling your bread in the palm of my hand and in my very throat
Smelling you in the sweet wine
Tasting you with my tongue
Thank you for becoming so intimate with your lowly servant.
What should you and I talk about at this moment? ____ Thank you for ___ What should I do for you today? _____ Can you help me with? __________ What did I forget that you asked me to do? ______ And, what else do you have on your mind for me today? ______
Lest I forget it, let me praise you for your infinite being and value!
B. Reminders
8. You are Invited, You are Welcome, You’ll be Safe! Please join us in person at Mass. We’re so happy to welcome you back! We’re being diligent about keeping you safe by following our Covid-19 protocols which include:
Things the church is doing:
Running our six (6) medical-grade air purifying units in the church before and during mass thus removing bacteria and viruses, including the Covid virus, from the air.
Providing hand sanitizer throughout the church for your use, as needed
Taking your temperature as you come into the church. (Please do NOT come to mass if you are feeling ill or running a temperature.)
Bringing Holy Communiontoyour pew (Fr. Patrick, a Deacon or an EME comes to you).
Things we ask you to do:
Wearing a mask at all times over your nose and under your chin (everyone two and older).
Maintaining a 6-foot physical distance between you/members of your household, and others not in your household, both in the pews and in other seating areas, before and after mass.
***** Oh! How about you inviting a member of your family or a friend to join us here as well?!?!
9. Alert: Tuesday morning Mass in the Rainbow Room Since we are having the Covid-19 vaccinations in the church building on the next four Tuesdays, we will temporarily have the 8:30 am Masses in the Rainbow Room. See you there!
10. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 90-second daily videos and 30-minute weekly radio broadcast Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 90 seconds …POW! The newer item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
11. Liturgy schedule - weekdays Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:30am Mass [temporarily, the Tuesday Mass is In the Rainbow Room, north of the parking lot.]
Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:45pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church. They can also be made by appointment [313.537.5770].
12. Links for viewing this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 9am & 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed. Click on the button below for viewing the Mass.