1. Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration will start at 9:15am on Thursday, April 11th, in the church, and go for one hour.
2. Special Announcement: Funeral Arrangements for Bp. Gumbleton
Most Reverend Thomas J. Gumbleton passed on from this life on April 4, 2024, at the age of 94. He was born on January 26, 1930, and ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Detroit on June 2, 1956.
Visitation for Bishop Gumbleton will begin on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 1 PM, with a Prayer Service at 4 PM, at the IHM Sisters Motherhouse, 610 West Elm Avenue, Monroe. Visitation will continue on Thursday, April 11, from 2 – 8 PM, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 1000 Eliot Street, Detroit. (Click here for the visitation livestream), and on Friday, April 12, from 12 – 8 PM at Chas. Verheyden, Inc., 16300 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Park. Bishop Gumbleton will lie in-state on Saturday, April 13, from 9:30 AM until the time of his funeral Mass at 11 AM, at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, 9844 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. His funeral Mass will be livestreamed (Click here). Interment will take place at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield.
3. This coming weekend – April 13th & 14th
Third Sunday of Easter
Jesus visits His Disciples on Easter Evening
Reminder: Volunteer Party this Sunday afternoon
If you are a volunteer and have signed up already, you know the details … just a reminder!
No Coffee and Donuts this Sunday
News from St. Scholastica
1. May 4th Beautification Day
2. Archdiocesan Regional Eucharistic Congress – June 1st – at St. Scholastica
Some Congress Preparation Steps:
A. Spring clean-up – see “Beautification Day” above
B. AOD invitation – see red image below
C. Volunteers are needed for the Congress – see below the red image!
D. Please plan to attend the Congress … AND, invite a friend!
Our Alleluias Continue!
What do our Alleluias mean?
…Mercy is ours
…Peace for all
…Following the Good Shepherd
…Bearing good fruit
…Loving one another
…The Spirit is with us
April 30th Deadline! – Urgent! -- Attention Needed!
To go to virtusonline.org, click on the following button:
When you arrive there, click on the green button to the left which says “FIRST-TIME REGISTRANT”
Future Corpus Christi Events
1. Birch Run Premium Outlet Trip
2. Black Catholic Women’s Conference
SAVE THE DATE - Ladies, please save the date and mark your calendars. The 2024 Black Catholic Women’s Conference will be held on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.
Valerie Berry is the assigned 2024 Black Catholic Women’s Conference Ambassador for the One in the Spirit Family of Parishes, and will have more information in the coming weeks.
Ongoing Information
Please Pray for …
A. The deceased, the ill, and the homebound
B. Those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts and the Visting Our Neighbor efforts
C. Your own special intentions
Click on the button at the end of this email to go to our weekly bulletin for a list of names (of "A" above)
Liturgical Schedule
Mass Times – Adoration Times – Confession Times
9:00am Mass – Corpus Christi
10:00am Mass – St. Scholastica
11:00am Mass – Corpus Christi
8:30am Mass – Corpus Christi
830am Mass – Corpus Christi
6:00pm – 8:30pm Adoration – Corpus Christi
11:30am Confession – St. Scholastica
12:05pm Mass – St. Scholastica
8:30am Mass – Corpus Christi
9:15am – 10:15 Adoration – Corpus Christi
8:30am Mass – Corpus Christi
11:30am Confession – St. Scholastica
12:05pm Mass – St. Scholastica
8:00am Mass – St. Scholastica
8:45am – 10:00am Adoration – St. Scholastica
8:45am – 9:00am Confession – St. Scholastica
3:00pm Confession – Corpus Christi
4:00pm Mass – Corpus Christi
Eucharistic Adoration
One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic faith is the Eucharist. Ever since the Last Supper, the Catholic Church has believed that the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. You are invited to come and spend time in adoration with Jesus at Corpus Christi as we begin to offer these new time slots for adoration. Ideally, we will have two people in the church before Jesus whenever adoration happens. On our parish website you will see two slots for each time. Please know that if the slot is filled there will still be plenty of room in church for you!
You can go directly to the adoration sign-up by clicking on the following button: