This week, seek to be very intentional
about thanking God daily for your faith,
and try to memorize this little phrase by St. Peter (1 Peter1:7): Faith is more precious than gold.
Some Items for This Week!
1. Teen Movie Night – Friday, Aug. 25th
2. Free Friday Night Movies! New Date for 4th Movie: Saturday, Aug. 26th!!!
*** Movies are on the parish parking lot lawn *** *** east of the Convent ***
3. Registering for Children’s Sacrament Preparations
Do you have a child in need of receiving the sacrament of Penance, Holy Communion, or Confirmation? As we start a new school year this is a great time to consider that and to register your child. Below is a button with a link to a registration form on our parish website. The form can also be used for registering for other children’s programs, such as Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
The AOD CSA supports so many ministries! Have you already turned in your envelope? Have you looked into giving directly to the AOD? Our parish website has information on how to contribute directly to the AOD and you can click on the button below to find that information.
1. Coffee and Donuts! On Sunday, August 27th, after both the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses in the Rainbow Room.
2. “God Gave Me a Catholic Book Fair” After each Mass on the 26th and 27th, Kelli Eggebrecht will speak briefly and offer her books for sale: Pilgrimage Books, Prayer Devotion Books, Encounter Ministries Inspired Book, Spanish Books, & Scriptural Rosary Books. After Saturday’s 4:00pm Mass the book fair will be in the back of church; on Sunday it will be in the Rainbow Room.
3. Presentation on Pilgrimages to the Holy Land. At 2:00pm on Sunday, the 27th, there will be a presentation on pilgrimages to the Holy Land at St. Joseph Chapel in Pontiac. See an article about this further down in the “Looking Further Ahead” portion of this email.
BOOK NOW!!! The third annual Detroit River Cruise Fundraiser for our Haiti Outreach Mission will depart from the Stroh’s River Place dock on Saturday, September 9 at 6:30 pm. Your $75 reservation will include a 2 ½ hour cruise on the beautiful Diamond Belle, a full course dinner and one complimentary beverage ticket. A cash bar will be available. Free parking is adjacent to the dock. Scan the QR code or go to and click on Haiti Dinner Cruise to reserve your spot for this fun-with-a-purpose event!!! More good news! The Church bus is available for those who want to go on the cruise but are reluctant to drive downtown or at night. Make sure to let us know if you wish to ride the bus. Only 8 spaces remain—first come, first served.
Workshop for Parents – Thursday, Aug. 31st
Compass is an online database that anticipates Catholic parents' needs, accompanies them through the trials and joys of family life, and points them to answers to life's difficult questions that are faithful to Church teaching.
Considering Catholicism!
Invite a Family Member or a Friend to “Consider Catholicism”! Is someone you know wondering about your church, your faith, your beliefs, your Bible, your prayers, your worship services, or any other aspect of our Catholic religion? We have a casual process for such people to ask questions about our Catholic faith and practices. We are calling it “Considering Catholicism?” and are having sessions on Sunday mornings from 9:30am to 10:30am in the Activity Center with entrance between the school and the convent.
The first session will be on Sunday, August 20th. The sessions are hosted by Dcn Paul Mueller and Valerie Berry. You are most welcome to accompany your invited guest for their first session … and following sessions as well. Sessions will continue on Sundays through Sept. 17th except the Sunday on Labor Day Weekend.
Care to know any more about these sessions? Please contact Dcn Paul Mueller in person, or at [email protected] or via phone at 248.891.9387.
Looking Further Ahead!
Holy Land Pilgrimages
Visit the Holy Land???
Yes, really? See and walk in the land where Jesus lived 2000 years ago? Here is some information on three upcoming trips. The orientation meeting on this coming Sunday is open to YOU if you care to attend and get more information … in person!
Catholic Holy Land Pilgrimage
Terra Sancta Pilgrimages, with Franciscan friar Fr. Alex Kratz, will be leading a Catholic Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Jordan, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Galilee) November 28 - December 12, 2023. This life-changing 14-day experience of walking in Jesus’ footsteps includes daily Mass & Rosary, biblical readings on site, time for prayer, spiritual guidance, and meeting local Christians. Cost is $5,200 (all expenses included, round-trip from Detroit, 3 daily meals, all tips and taxes). Registration is first come, first serve. A mandatory Orientation Meeting for the registered is 2:00 pm Sunday, August 27, at St. Joseph Chapel (400 South Blvd. West, Pontiac, MI 48341). In 2024 our trips (11-days long) are April 15-25 and November 11-21. For more information contact Pilgrimage Coordinator Patti Giangrande, OFS: (248) 514-1747 (or Fr. Alex: 313-727-9784).
For much more information about the pilgrimages feel free to visit the website by clicking the button below.
Discover the Bible as a Disciple
Nothing beats the power of a live teacher, explaining the relevance and depth of the Scriptures with passion and excitement. It's about hearing a message that enriches the mind and renews the heart. Michigan's Catholic Biblical School brings dynamic Bible teaching to local parishes– no tests, no grades– just discipleship. Top-notch teaching on every book of the Bible is available to you, locally or online. Weekly classes start on Sep 18, register by Sep 6.
Catholic Biblical School of Michigan offers a four-year classroom study of the complete Bible! It is offered in several different locations. Several Corpus Christi members have gone through the program and found it fantastic. Click on the button below to go to their website and learn more about the organization and the four-year program.
Our prayer list continues to grow for the deceased, the ill and the homebound. Please visit our parish bulletin for the current list on page 3. … and then raise a prayer for those on the list and your own special intentions. Simply click on the Bulletin button at the end of this email.
AND, please add to your list: “The prayer requests of those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts and the Visiting Our Neighbors efforts”!
Eucharistic Adoration
The Eucharist is being exposed on the altar in church on the following schedule: Tuesdays: 6:00pm – 8:30pm
[Note: that’s a usual time for our neighborhood
Evangelization efforts so prayer support is appreciated!]
Thursdays: 9:15am – 12:15pm
[Note: Holy Hour for Priestly Vocations from 9:15am – 10:15am]
One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic faith is the Eucharist. Ever since the Last Supper, the Catholic Church has believed that the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. You are invited to come and spend time in adoration with Jesus at Corpus Christi as we begin to offer these new time slots for adoration. Ideally, we will have two people in the church before Jesus whenever adoration happens. On our parish website you will see two slots for each time. Please know that if the slot is filled there will still be plenty of room in church for you!
You can go directly to the adoration sign-up by clicking on the following button: