Nov. 6th– the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 20:27-38 Life after death
Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework
Please join me in praying more intentionally in the days to come that people will come to see the truth of proposal three; that they will experience the loving gaze of Jesus into their eyes, heart and soul and his revelation of the sacredness of life in the womb from the moment of conception.
Upcoming November 2022 Events
Friday, November 4th Movie Night – Sr. Thea Bowman documentary … see below
Saturday, November 5th Advent Season Planning … see below
Sunday, November 13th Generations of Faith – The Prophet Isaiah … see below
Thursday, November 24th Thanksgiving Holiday – Celebrate! Enjoy!
Sunday, November 27th 1st Sunday of Advent – Getting ready for the birth of Christ!
Tuesdays in November Store Front Evangelization … how about YOU? … see below .
Advent Season Planning You’re invited to join other Corpus Christi parishioners on Saturday, November 5th from 9:15 – 11:45 am in the Rainbow Room as we listen to and reflect on God's Word speaking to us through the scriptures of the Advent Season. Make this a mini-retreat for yourself as you prepare for the Advent season.
Schedule: **Breakfast snacks, coffee, tea, juice **Opening Advent prayer **What does the Church say about Advent? **Read and reflect on the Sunday Scripture readings of the season **Discern together (led by Fr. Patrick) a focus for Advent 2022 at Corpus Christi **Offer suggestions for implementing the focus of Advent at Corpus Christi
News about Discipleship Formation
Movie Night
Movie Night, Friday, November 4th, 2022
Where: Corpus Christi, in the Rainbow Room, 19800 Pembroke, Detroit Time: 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. What: Light Supper and a documentary movie of Sister Thea Bowman, Who: All are welcome!
To register for attending click on the button below. The film features interviews and commentary from her family, Sisters in community, colleagues, friends, and former students. The story of a young girl whose faith in God led her to be a lively woman prophet in our own time. Input from African-American scholars, clerics and bishops will speak to the ongoing issue of systemic racism in the church and country. Extensive use is made of archival media that portrays Thea in action–photographs, film, video and audio recordings recorded in locations of significance to her life. A new documentary from New Group Media and the Diocese of Jackson, MS.
Generations of Faith 2022/23 Isaiah: "I have called you by name." "A child is born to us..."
Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 12:30 pm The words in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah have inspired many…even song writers. Maybe you remember singing hymns based on Isaiah or hummed the tune as you left church: Here I Am Lord by Dan Schutte; Come to the Water by John Foley, SJ; I Will Never Forget You my People (Isaiah 49) by Carey Landry; A Voice Cries Out in the Wilderness by Michael Joncas; and We Shall Draw Water Joyfully by Paul Inwood.
Come be inspired by the words of Isaiah and learn about this major prophet at the next Generations of Faith Session on Sunday, November 13. Register after the Masses this weekend or use the button below.
Check the small Sign-up box and then click the Submit and Sign-up button at the bottom of the page.
Fill out the form – note that some information is optional.
Finally click the SIGN UP NOW button.
BE SURE to register for lunch if you intend to stay!!
Schedule: 12:30 – 1:45 pm Video presentations, discussion, and reflection in age groups 1:50 – 3:00 Lunch in the gym (or you may choose to go home) *** Same caterer as pre-covid *** Children eat free *** Adults – freewill donation
Gospel Weeklies
The Gospel Weeklies are faith-filled magazines for students from preschool through the teens. These give reflections and insights on the weekly Sunday Gospels, along with activities for the students. The Weeklies for the fall session are available in the back of church with the students’ names on them. There are some extras for those who have not yet registered. Please pick one up and keep in-touch with the Gospels. A free will donation is welcome.
Tuesdays in November
Store Front Evangelization is one of many ways we can share the Good News of Jesus with others. Here’s how we do it at Corpus Christi. From 6:30pm to 8:00pm a few of us (two to four) stand in the lobby of a grocery store and do three things:
As customers come into the store, we offer them a cross on a chain that they can wear around their necks.
When they stop and accept the cross, we ask if they have anything for which they would like us to pray. Then, of course, we pray for exactly that for them and with them! Sometimes that leads further conversation.
We close out by offering them one of those small cards with our parish name and information.
They are very satisfying experiences, and we really enjoy doing them all year round. Curious? Care to try it for yourself? Want to know more about it? Feel most free to contact Dcn Paul Mueller at 248.891.9387 or [email protected].
Eucharistic Adoration
It’s happening here at Corpus Christi!
The Eucharist is being exposed on the altar in church on the following schedule: Tuesdays: 6:00pm – 8:30pm [Note: that’s a usual time for our neighborhood Evangelization efforts so prayer support is appreciated!]
Thursdays: 9:15am – 12:15pm [Note: Holy Hour for Priestly Vocations from 9:15am – 10:15am]
One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic faith is the Eucharist. Ever since the Last Supper, the Catholic Church has believed that the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. You are invited to come and spend time in adoration with Jesus at Corpus Christi as we begin to offer these new time slots for adoration. Ideally, we will have two people in the church before Jesus whenever adoration happens. On our parish website you will see two slots for each time. Please know that if the slot is filled there will still be plenty of room in church for you!
You can go directly to the adoration sign-up by clicking on the following button:
Our prayer list continues to grow for the deceased, the ill and the homebound. Please visit our parish bulletin for the current list on page 3. … and then raise a prayer for those on the list and your own special intentions. Simply click on the Bulletin button at the end of this email.
AND, please add to your list: “The prayer requests of those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts and the Visiting Our Neighbors efforts”!
Liturgy schedule – weekdays
Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 8:30am