1. Daily Mass in Rainbow Room – this week! Due to construction work going on in the church building, namely, installation of a video screen, our daily Masses this week will be in the Rainbow Room across the parking lot from the church building. Mass time will continue at 8:30am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, Feb. 8th – 12th.
2. Emmaus Groups 2021
Join an Emmaus Group for Lent 2021!
The Power of the Gospel Today
The Power of the Gospel Today is our theme for the Lenten faith sharing Emmaus Groups. The Gospel of Jesus gives us the strength, hope and love that we need in our lives. The faith sharing groups will be meeting virtually. The source and guide that we will be using are the Scripture readings for the Sundays of Lent as found in, 52 Sundays,https://www.52sundays.com/ , which includes the Sunday readings, prayers, reflection questions, ideas for putting the Gospel message into action, a brief biography of a saint and even a recipe. In addition to the text we will have a short video clip to stimulate and enhance our discussion. Click on the button below to find out more information on times and days, and to register for the session of your choosing.
4. Kroger Shopping Can Yield Donations to Corpus Christi There is a new process where a portion of your purchases at Krogers will be contributed to our Corpus Christi parish. It is called Kroger Community Rewards. Please click on the button below to go to our parish website where you can learn how to sign up for this program! Thanks already for those future contributions coming our way!
5. Celebrating Black Catholic History – 2-5-21 Video Corpus Christi Parish celebrated Black Catholic History on Feb.5th by inviting Richard Lane, a Catholic lay evangelist, to speak at our event. He’s quite the engaging and invigorating speaker! Click on the button below to view a recording of the event.
7. Families of Parishes: Getting to Know our Family Members We have six members in our new Family.
Corpus Christi
St. Scholastica
Presentation-Our Lady of Victory
St. Mary of Redford
St. Peter and Paul/West
St. Juan Diego
Our Family is in Detroit, along the Southfield Freeway corridor, from Ford Road at the south end to 8 ½ Mile at the north end. Over the next few weeks let’s take a brief look at each of our Family members, “Our New Siblings”.
St. Mary of Redford is on Grand River between Southfield and Greenfield. Let’s get to know a little about them by taking a look at their website. Just click the button below. Hugs to St. Mary of Redford
8. Food Distribution at Corpus Christi on Thursday, Feb. 18th
The American Legion Department of Michigan Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation Committee and The Frank Wendland American Legion Post 253 have partnered with Gleaners Community Food Bank to distribute 600 food boxes to Veterans, seniors, or families in need.
Legionnaires, Veterans, and community volunteers will distribute 600 food boxes at the Corpus Christi Church parking lot, 19800 Pembroke Ave, Detroit starting at 10 a.m. These events are contactless distribution; drivers stay in their vehicle while volunteers load a 40-pound food box into the car's trunk or rear.
The American Legion Department of Michigan has helped distribute over 600,000 pounds of food to needed families in Michigan. They have held other events in Mt. Clemens, Wyandotte, Garden City, Detroit, and several other locations, including eight in the Upper Peninsula. The American Legion is the largest Veterans Service Organization in the state, dedicated to Veterans serving Veterans. Since 1919. The Department of Michigan's membership is composed of 65,000 plus Veterans who have served during conflicts since December 7, 1941. To learn more about The American Legion Department of Michigan, visit michiganlegion.org. .
9. “Called and Gifted” Workshop Series
EACH of us was created and GIFTED by God! What would God like us to do with those gifts? What is God CALLING us to do? How about taking 94 seconds to listen to a short video about that very issue?!?! Click on the button below and when you get to the photo of a group of youngsters, click on the little white triangle [at the lower left] to start the video.
10. GOF – Send us a Photo of YOUR Cross/Crucifix Renew Reflect Respond Generations of Faith 2020/21
Do you have a favorite cross or crucifix hanging in your home? The cross is our symbol of the Paschal Mystery: Jesus’s Death and Resurrection, one of the central teachings of the Catholic Faith. The Paschal Mystery is also the content of the current Generation of Faith video. It’s not too late to watched it!
As a response to this month’s video, we invite you to send in a photo of your favorite cross or crucifix. We will use them to create a photo collage for Lent and display the pictures on the bulletin board at the parking lot entrance of church. All types are welcome: cross or crucifix, a family heirloom or newly acquired, ornate or unadorned, wood or metal, etc. Send your photo to corpuschristigenerations@gmail.com or text the photo to 248-891-9386 by Monday, February 15th.
To view the video, click theButton below
To print the handout: Click on Session 4 Handouts/Adults
To see the video: click on Generation of Faith Videos then on ADULTS 2020-2021SESSION Four
11. GOF Session 4 for Children/Teens The new session of GOF for kids and teens is the Paschal Mystery with emphasis, on Holy Week, particularly, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. We will see how Jesus is our hope. Jesus dying on the cross is not the end but the beginning of new life. Jesus is our rising sun. He is the Son of God giving us all life and hope.
The children’s and teen videos will highlight the resurrection. As they watch the video, they are encouraged to see how the various people responded to Jesus and to think about how they would respond.
Our Easter message is also how to make Jesus alive today by reaching out to people in need and responding in a positive way. The works of mercy are included in the discussion papers to give guidance in service to others.
The children’s handouts include craft suggestions such as an Easter card design and directions to make an Easter wreath.
May our Lenten practices lead us to a joy-filled Easter.
Click the button below to find the videos and handouts.
12. AOD Unleash the Gospel Podcast “Open Door Policy” Episodes with Fr. Patrick Fr. Patrick is now hosting the Podcast “Open Door Policy” Episodes for the AOD. His co-host is Emily Mentock. They are taking over for the prior team of Fr. Steve Pullis and Danielle Center. To listen to their second episode, Episode 63, click on the button below.
13. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 90-sec. daily video and a 30-minute weekly audio broadcast Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 90 seconds …POW! The NEW item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
14. Liturgy schedule - weekdays Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:30am Mass Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:00pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church [note: this week Masses will be in Rainbow Room … see #2 above]
15. Links for viewing or registering for this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday, 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed. Click on the button below for viewing the Mass.
If you have not registered (by noon on Saturday) to attend Mass in person and you still wish to attend a Mass at church this weekend please: - park in the parking lot a little ahead of Mass time, - go to the parking lot side entrance, - and ask the staff at that doorway if there is still available room. If there is room in church they will do a check-in process for you.