“He cured many who were sick with various diseases.”
Events at Corpus Christi:
1. Adoration
Feb. 1st, Thursday, 9:15 – 10:15am, Adoration in church
2, Confessions
Feb. 3rd, Saturday, 3:00 – 3:45pm, Confessions in church
4. Coffee and Donuts
Feb. 4th, Sunday – Coffee and Donuts after both Masses
5. Mass Celebrants
Priests who will be celebrating Masses this coming weekend at Corpus Christi are:
Feb. 3rd, Saturday, 4:00pm Mass - Fr. John Vandenakker, CC
Feb. 4th, Sunday, 9:00am Mass - Fr. Jim Lowe, CC
Feb. 4th, Sunday, 11:00 am Mass - Fr. Jim Lowe, CC
Events at St. Scholastica:
1. Eucharist Revival
Jesus and the Eucharist
A Small Group Series for Eucharistic Revival.
Join us for this weekly series in person at St. Scholastica located at 8201 West Outer Drive
Wednesdays 1:00-3:30 pm
Thursdays 6:30-9:00 pm
If you missed last week, watch the video online.
Videos of Sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4 are available there.
Click on the button to go to that site:
Click on the following button to view Fr. Lowe’s Sunday homily, the first of six homilies on the Eucharist Revival. That a series that has been recommended to priests by the AOD.
To view the homily of Jan. 21st (at Corpus Christi) click on the following button which will take you to the 11:00 Mass video recording. Go to the 26 minute portion of the video to get to see the homily portion of the Mass.
The priest who will be celebrating Mass this coming weekend at St. Scholastica is:
Feb. 4th, Sunday, 10:00 am Mass - Fr. John Vandenakker, CC
More Upcoming Items!
1. The Church’s BIG liturgical events of February &
March 2024
Wednesday, Feb. 14th – Ash Wednesday Sunday, Mar. 24th – Palm Sunday Friday, Mar. 29th – Good Friday Sunday, Mar. 31st – Easter Sunday
2. Generations of Faith
The Eucharist: In the Warmth of His Presence
Generations of Faith 2023/24 Pope Frances: “For in the warmth of His presence, our lives change.” (June 19, 2022)
Sunday, March 3rd is the next Session of Generations of Faith. Mark your calendars.
Same place; same time; same caterer as the prior session.
The topic for the adults is Singing our Faith. What is your favorite Eucharistic hymn (usually sung at Communion or Benediction)? Register online using the button below.
3. Lenten Emmaus Groups
Emmaus Faith Sharing Groups this Lent will use the book Getting More Out of Mass. This series has interesting articles and challenging questions. Look for sign up papers at Mass this weekend.
You can also sign up via the parish website by clicking the following button:
EASTER SEASON GATHERING Breakfast Bar, Coffee, Tea & Juice! Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 9:00 Rainbow Room
It’s time to enjoy each other again while we have food, fellowship, and share our faith as we focus on our Easter Theme.
When led by the Holy Spirit, gathering together renews our spirits and brightens our day! So, rise up and ride in at 9 am on Saturday, Feb 17th in the Rainbow Room. Opening prayer will be at 9:15am. We will conclude by noon, but the joy of the morning will continue on!!!
5. Black History Month
6. Protecting God’s Children
Ongoing Information
Please Pray for …
A. The deceased, the ill, and the homebound
B. Those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts and the Visting Our Neighbor efforts
C. Your own special intentions
Click on the button at the end of this email to go to our weekly bulletin for a list of names (of "A" above)
New Liturgical Schedule – Starting in Jan. 2024
Mass Times – Adoration Times – Confession Times
9:00am Mass – Corpus Christi
10:00am Mass – St. Scholastica
11:00am Mass – Corpus Christi
8:30am Mass – Corpus Christi
830am Mass – Corpus Christi
6:00pm – 8:30pm Adoration – Corpus Christi
11:30am Confession – St. Scholastica
12:05pm Mass – St. Scholastica
8:30am Mass – Corpus Christi
9:15am – 10:15 Adoration – Corpus Christi
8:30am Mass – Corpus Christi
11:30am Confession – St. Scholastica
12:05pm Mass – St. Scholastica
8:00am Mass – St. Scholastica
8:45am – 10:00am Adoration – St. Scholastica
8:45am – 9:00am Confession – St. Scholastica
3:00pm Confession – Corpus Christi
4:00pm Mass – Corpus Christi
Eucharistic Adoration
One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic faith is the Eucharist. Ever since the Last Supper, the Catholic Church has believed that the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. You are invited to come and spend time in adoration with Jesus at Corpus Christi as we begin to offer these new time slots for adoration. Ideally, we will have two people in the church before Jesus whenever adoration happens. On our parish website you will see two slots for each time. Please know that if the slot is filled there will still be plenty of room in church for you!
You can go directly to the adoration sign-up by clicking on the following button: