CC 2023 Lenten Theme: Choose Jesus! He waits with mercy.
Sunday, March 19th 4th Sunday in Lent John 9:1 - 41 “Jesus Cures the Man Born Blind”
Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework
Pray this week, “Holy Spirit, please stir in me a healthy desire to experience the beauty of the Sacrament of Confession.” This Easter gift of Jesus helps us experience the power of resurrection where we have experienced the pain of sin.
Lenten Hot Dog Meal THIS WEEKEND!
AND, while you are there:
You can come down to the video screen at the east end of the Rainbow Room and view slides. Slides? Yes, Doug Buday, our Director of Operations, made a visit to Africa a few weeks ago to view and document the results of a well-drilling effort made by an American Catholic group. Doug will be showing slides of the area, the people and drilling operations. Yes, the African people are smiling at their new, improved access to water!
Generations of Faith 2023
People Called to Speak and Act Generations of Faith 2022/23 Anna and John the Baptist: Spreading the Good News
The next session of Generations of Faith will look at two prophets from the New Testament:
Anna: After seeing the infant Jesus at his presentation in the temple, Anna “spoke about the child to all who were waiting for God to set Jerusalem free.” (Luke 2:36-38)
John the Baptist who was the cousin of Jesus, the son of Elizabeth and Zacharias, and was referred to as the forerunner of Jesus. John spoke of Jesus to his followers as “he who is coming after me who is mightier than I.” (Matthew 3:11) Jesus said of John: “among those born of women, there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist.” (Matthew11:11) What was John’s message to the people of Israel? How did John “spread the Good News” about his cousin, Jesus?
Come learn about these two prophets at the Generations of Faith Session on Sunday, March 26 after the 11 am Mass - 12:30 to 1:45 pm. Place: Adults in the Rainbow Room Teens in the Activity Center Elementary Students in Rooms 3 & 4 Lunch (optional): 1:50 pm in the gym. Free will donation. Children eat free.
Register after Mass this weekend or by clicking on the button below so we know how many handouts to print and how much food to order.
The Holy Thursday Communal Meal will be held on Thursday, April 6 beginning at 5:45 PM in the Rainbow Room.
This parish family gathering will feature prayer, song and traditional foods including lamb, matzoh, wine/juice and more. A collection will be taken up during the meal to help defray the cost of the food, estimated at $5 per person.
Sign up for the meal will begin next weekend in church and on-line. Look for more info in next week’s bulletin or eblast.
The Meal will be immediately followed by a celebration of the Holy Thursday Liturgy in the church at 7:30 pm.
A party will be held in your honor on: Sunday April 16 1 PM to 4 PM at Corsi’s Banquet Center, Livonia
Sign up for this event will begin next weekend at the back of church and on-line. Please see next week’s bulletin and/or eblast for more details.
The Wisdom of a Saint
“To convert somebody
go and take them by the hand
and guide them.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
Please Pray for …
Our prayer list continues to grow for the deceased, the ill and the homebound. Please visit our parish bulletin for the current list on page 3. … and then raise a prayer for those on the list and your own special intentions. Simply click on the Bulletin button at the end of this email.
AND, please add to your list: “The prayer requests of those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts and the Visiting Our Neighbors efforts”!
Eucharistic Adoration
The Eucharist is being exposed on the altar in church on the following schedule: Tuesdays: 6:00pm – 8:30pm [Note: that’s a usual time for our neighborhood Evangelization efforts so prayer support is appreciated!]
Thursdays: 9:15am – 12:15pm [Note: Holy Hour for Priestly Vocations from 9:15am – 10:15am]
One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic faith is the Eucharist. Ever since the Last Supper, the Catholic Church has believed that the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. You are invited to come and spend time in adoration with Jesus at Corpus Christi as we begin to offer these new time slots for adoration. Ideally, we will have two people in the church before Jesus whenever adoration happens. On our parish website you will see two slots for each time. Please know that if the slot is filled there will still be plenty of room in church for you!
You can go directly to the adoration sign-up by clicking on the following button: