CC 2023 Lenten Theme: Choose Jesus! He waits with mercy.
Sunday, April 2nd Palm Sunday Matt 26:14 – 27:66
“The Passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ”
A Few Updatesfrom Fr. Patrick
Three Cheers for Dcn Paul! On Wednesday, March 15th Dcn. Paul Mueller was Corpus Christi’s recipient of this year’s Spirit Award given by the Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance in celebration of a Detroit parishioner serving well in the city. Just about every Tuesday night, Dcn Paul can be found somewhere on the streets of Detroit sharing the love Jesus with his neighbors. He is the stalwart leader of the parish’s Tuesday night evangelization efforts and a tireless witness to the truth that what is needed most to evangelize is just love and the willingness to go. Thank you, Paul, for your amazing witness!
One in the Spirit Family Pastoral Council
We’re almost two years into the Family of Parishes initiative of the Archdiocese of Detroit. The One in the Spirit Family Pastoral Council meets every other month and has been focusing on strategies for evangelization. Each parish has two representatives on the council and Corpus Christi’s current reps are Valerie Berry and Christeena Livingston Long. The council is having productive conversations about quarterly family activities that will also help accomplish the goal of evangelization as well. The priests in the family continue to collaborate to support each other as best as possible (i.e. covering masses when needed, hearing confessions at various events, etc.) while continuing priest team meetings to help the comradery continue to grow along with a real sense of shared mission.
Corpus Christi Communication Committee As part of the Families of Parishes structure, the Family Pastoral Council led (by design in the FoP structure) to the dissolution of the parish councils. Yet, with the Family Pastoral Council meeting every other month, it seemed to myself, Christeena, Valerie and other parish leadership that having an entity akin to a parish council that would meet bi-monthly (on the months when the Family Pastoral Council doesn’t meet) would be helpful for the parish. The description of the committee is as follows: a parish committee led by the two Family Pastoral Council representatives, composed of 8-12 parish members who will serve a two year term. The purpose of the committee is as follows: the purpose of the Corpus Christi Parish Communication Committee, is to enter into frequent and meaningful communication with each other for the purpose of sharing information as it relates to the One in the Spirit Family of Parishes, as well as Corpus Christi Parish activities (for example: worship activities, formation programs, etc.); relay concerns of parishioners; and to assist in providing for unity in the interest of maintaining healthy functioning for the ultimate good of the parish and our surrounding community. The initial formation of this committee was done by appointments, but in the future, there will certainly be opportunities to nominate members to the committee. Members of this committee will receive a commissioning blessing on the weekend of Palm Sunday.
God bless you always, Fr. Patrick
Palm Sunday
Saturday, April 1 4:00pm Mass and Distribution of Palms Sunday, April 2 9:00am Mass and Distribution of Palms 11:00am Mass and Distribution of Palms
Holy Thursday
Thursday, April 6 5:45pm Holy Thursday Communal Meal Thursday, April 6 7:30pm Holy Thursday Mass
Good Friday
Friday, April 7 Noon Stations of the Cross Friday, April 7 1:00pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday
Saturday, April 8 1:00pm Confessions
Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 8 8:30pm Mass & Easter Vigil Services
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 9 9:00am Mass 11:00 am Mass
The Holy Thursday Communal Meal will be held on Thursday, April 6 beginning at 5:45 PM in the Rainbow Room.
This parish family gathering will feature prayer, song and traditional foods including lamb, matzoh, wine/juice and more. A collection will be taken up during the meal to help defray the cost of the food, estimated at $5 per person.
Sign up for the meal is in church and is on-line by clicking on the button below. Please sign up by Monday, April 3.
The Meal will be immediately followed by a celebration of the Holy Thursday Liturgy in the church at 7:30 pm.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS This Friday, March 31st, we will again have Stations of the Cross here at Corpus Christi. They will be prayed at 6:00 pm in church. Please consider this way to take another step closer to the Lord!
VIVIAN DORSEY FUNERAL Vivian Dorsey, wife of Deacon Bill Dorsey, was a long-time member of Corpus Christi Parish. May she rest in peace. May her family be at peace!
Visitation Friday March 31, 2023 3 pm – 9:00 pm Vigil Service at 7:00 pm James H. Cole Funeral Home 2624 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit
Funeral Saturday April 1, 2023 10:30 am visitation Funeral Mass at 11:00 am Corpus Christi Church
HOLY LAND ITEMS ON SALE Holy Land items for sale after masses
Coffee and Donuts on Sunday This weekend, April 2nd, after 9:00 & 11:00 Masses in the Rainbow Room
O’Hair Park “Volunteer Spring Clean-up” Saturday April 1, 9am to 1pm Meet here at Corpus Christi in the Rainbow Room!
A party will be held in your honor on: Sunday, April 16 1 PM to 4 PM at Corsi’s Banquet Center, Livonia
Sign up for this event at the back of church OR by clicking on button below. Sign up deadline is: Monday, April 10
Our prayer list continues to grow for the deceased, the ill and the homebound. Please visit our parish bulletin for the current list on page 3. … and then raise a prayer for those on the list and your own special intentions. Simply click on the Bulletin button at the end of this email.
AND, please add to your list: “The prayer requests of those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts and the Visiting Our Neighbors efforts”!
Eucharistic Adoration
The Eucharist is being exposed on the altar in church on the following schedule:
Tuesdays: 6:00pm – 8:30pm [Note: that’s a usual time for our neighborhood Evangelization efforts so prayer support is appreciated!]
Thursdays: 9:15am – 12:15pm [Note: Holy Hour for Priestly Vocations from 9:15am – 10:15am]
One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic faith is the Eucharist. Ever since the Last Supper, the Catholic Church has believed that the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. You are invited to come and spend time in adoration with Jesus at Corpus Christi as we begin to offer these new time slots for adoration. Ideally, we will have two people in the church before Jesus whenever adoration happens. On our parish website you will see two slots for each time. Please know that if the slot is filled there will still be plenty of room in church for you!
You can go directly to the adoration sign-up by clicking on the following button: