Next Sunday’s Gospel: John 8: 1-11 Woman Caught in Adultery
This Week’s Fr. Patrick Holy Homework
This week, try to take 15 quiet minutes each day and ask Jesus “please reveal the Father to me” and allow Jesus to take you deeper into the Father’s heart.
Lenten Opportunities Daily Mass, 8:30 a.m.—Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday Stations of the Cross, Fridays at 6:00 p.m. [Note: changed from 5:00pm due to attendee preferences!] Sacrament of Reconciliation, Saturdays 1:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Also, a Penance Service at 7:00pm, Friday, April 8th. Communal Penance Service for children (adults welcome)-Saturday, April 9th, at Corpus Christi; due to a funeral that morning this event has been moved from 10:30am to 12:00 noon.
Lenten Materials available in Church Lenten Calendar of Good Actions Little Back books with Lenten reflections For Young Children — Saints of the Americas Coloring/Activity book For Older Children — Catholic Funny Fill-Ins (Saints Spectacular!) For Teens and Adults — Saints and Holy People of the Americas Reference Guide — Check them out on the internet or in a book on the Saints. Lenten Family Challenge: Resource offered by the Archdiocese of Detroit, sign up at:
Palm Sunday: Usual weekend schedule: Masses at 4:00pm, 9:00am, 11:00am Holy Thursday: 7:00pm Good Friday: 1:00 pm (& Stations of the Cross at noon) Easter Vigil: 8:30pm (& Confessions at 1:00pm) Easter Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00am
How Goes the Tally?
How have things been going with you lately? Have you offered someone one of those new Corpus Christi “business cards” as part of our parish “Everyone Invites” Thematic Goal? Here’s what the cards look like (two sides/one card!) … and there are more cards that can be picked up at the back of church!
And, now there are new cards for our Corpus Christi Holy Week and Easter services. They are red and white and have information on the dates and times of all the services.
Generations of Faith: Encounter Jesus
Jesus’ Sweet Healing Love
What healings might you need for your soul? Emotional scars, mental fatigue, religious doubts, fears? What healings might you need for your body? Serious illness, impairment due to old age, an upcoming surgery, bodily ailments, memory loss? Come “taste” the sweet healing love of Jesus during the next Generations of Faith Session on Sunday, April 3rd after the 11 Mass, approximately 12:35 to 1:40pm.
You will Learn more about this sweet healing love from a presentation by Fr. Patrick.
If you choose, you can experience this healing love in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for serious physical and mental illnesses, upcoming surgery due to serious illness, or a notably weakened condition due to old age.
Prayer Teams will be present to pray over you for any healings of body, mind, or soul that you seek from Jesus.
Snacks, juice, and coffee for adults will be available in church. Fr. Patrick’s presentation will be livestreamed and recorded for future viewing. Teens will meet in the activity Center for snacks and join the adults in church. Children meet in the school for their age-specific lessons. Who do you know that might desire the sweet healing love of Jesus? Invite them to attend this session with you. Register your household in the back of church this weekend or on-line by clicking the button below to find Sign Up Genius. In Sign up Genius, click the box next to Sign Up. Click the Submit and Sign-Up button on the bottom of the page. Enter the information requested (name, email, phone required). Finally click Sign up Now! PS – If you have trouble registering, just come!!
???ARE YOU CURIOUS??? Join us in exploring the Passover and the Jewish roots of the Holy Thursday Liturgy on Thursday, April 14 at 6 pm in the Rainbow Room. Leading our journey of discovery will be Dr. Andre Villeneuve, theologian, biblical scholar and Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.
Andre’s main areas of interest include the study of Sacred Scripture, the Jewish roots of the Catholic Faith, and fostering the reconciliation of Israel and the Church through the work of Catholics for Israel ( He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Hebrew Catholics and a Senior Fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
The Corpus Christi Hospitality Committee is pleased to be able to bring Andre to our Parish for this special presentation on Holy Thursday evening which, this year, is the eve of the Passover celebration. Participants will be able to ask questions at the conclusion of his presentation. We will be serving only a variety of beverages due to the fasting observation prior to Eucharist. We hope to see you there.
Holy Communion to the Homebound and Sick Mike Gomula is the new coordinator for our Ministry to the Homebound and Sick. He is creating a roster of Ministers for Holy Communion for that ministry. If you are a current Minister of Holy Communion or would like to become one, please contact Mike Gomula (734-536-5970; email: [email protected]) or call the Parish Office (313-537-5770).
In addition, if you, or anyone you know, is homebound or sick and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the Parish Office.
Into the Depths The Companions of the Cross are leading a retreat for young adults aged 18-35 at our House of Formation in Detroit. “Into the Depths,” will bring participants into a deeper intimacy with God. This retreat will include refreshments on Friday and Saturday, as well as one light breakfast and two meals for Saturday. There will be a live worship band, eucharistic adoration, dynamic speakers, and prayer ministry. Saturday will begin with an optional 8am Mass. The retreat will include an opportunity for confession. Note: you are encouraged to bring a prayer journal or notebook. – Limited spots available – Limited scholarships are available for those unable to cover the cost. This ticket is non-refundable due to meal arrangements, and other retreat costs. Face coverings are recommended. For further information feel free to contact Matt Marin at [email protected]
Really, what are the gifts, charisms, or skills that you have already received from the Holy Spirit? Oh, really?!?! How about spending some time identifying and/or verifying them? The next question is then key: “How can I use them here in the Kingdom of God … in the parish … in the community … or in …?”
Corpus Christi Annual Women’s Retreat You are invited to join women of Corpus Christi on a spiritual retreat at the Capuchin retreat center in Washington, MI, May 13-15, 2022. (This is not Mother’s Day Weekend.) To register and find out more details, contact Brenda Martin, available after Mass or call 248-943-0974. Partial scholarships are available, and Brenda will have these forms for you to complete.
The purpose of a retreat is to break away from the distractions of everyday life to communicate more closely with God. The theme of the retreat is: ”I will be with you always.” (Matt. 28:20) On this retreat we invite you to “let go—let God”. God is here right now and present. What helps us to hope and know that God is with us, is present in every age and moment? In the moments of uncertainty, we are called to trust the Lord. Trusting that God is with you gives you a freedom to let go and place your life in God’s hand.
Soccer In The D
ATTENTION FAMILIES IN O'HAIR PARK!!! The Northwest Detroit Youth Coalition (NWDYC) and the City of Detroit, Parks and Recreation Department have partnered together to bring you:
"Soccer in the D" RIGHT NOW we are forming teams to participate in the Spring Session of Soccer - right here in our own backyard at O'Hair Park!!! This is an exciting opportunity for your children to participate in an engaging sport that will teach them the skills needed to be successful in life and on the Soccer field!!!
REGISTER NOW!!! Practice begins April 6th and the season starts on April 23. Youth ages 3-14 will have the chance to learn the skills and concepts of Soccer from renowned Soccer Coach and legend, Coach Pierre!!!
REGISTER NOW!!! Spots are filling up fast as the final deadline to register is Monday April 4th, by 5PM!!!
REGISTER NOW!!! We cannot register any children after the registration deadline so again, REGISTER NOW!!! Come out, have fun, and let's work together to keep our children active!!!
Our prayer list continues to grow for the deceased, the ill and the homebound. Please visit our parish bulletin for the current list on page 3. … and then raise a prayer for those on the list and your own special intentions. Simply click on the Bulletin button at the end of this email.
AND, please add to your list: “Those we have met through our Store Front Evangelization efforts”!