1. Invitation to Healing Service This Saturday, November 7th at 6:30pm there will be a healing service at Corpus Christi. If you would like to attend, please RSVP (100 person max capacity) and be assured that COVID-19 protocol will be in place to ensure as safe an environment as possible. A few weeks ago I got some practice leading a healing service at another church with limited capacity & Covid-19 protocol in place. It worked well, so we'll give it a go here on Saturday. Please click on the button below to sign up or call the parish office.
Summary Narrative: Part 1: A discussion panel led by Vickie Figueroa on the roots of Black Catholic History in the United States (with a special emphasis on Detroit) highlighting some of the wonderful moves of God in and through individuals and communities throughout this rich and sacred history.
Part 2: Inspired by these moves of God and drawing wisdom from them, Evangelist Richard Lane will preach on God’s glory being manifested in the Black Catholic Community in the present while looking towards the future as well.
Flow of the Evening: 5:45pm: Doors Open / Check in Station Ready /
6:30pm: A Warm Welcome from the MC 6:35pm: Offering a Sacrifice of Praise
6:55pm: Part 1 – The Roots of Black Catholic History in the United States 7:25pm: A Hymn of Praise
7:30pm: Part 2 --God’s Glory Being Manifested in the Black Catholic Community: Richard Lane 8:20pm: Love Offering & Prayerful Close of the Evening & Closing Hymn.
3. Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework This week, prayerfully read Matthew 5:1-16 everyday and meditate on the Beatitudes, a living portrait of the life of Jesus that the Holy Spirit enables us (by grace) to enter into and live as well, bringing the light of heaven (God’s presence) vibrantly into our day to day lives and spheres of influence. God bless you!
4. Generation of Faith – Adults Renew Reflect Respond
The Story of Salvation: Creation, Fall Redemption. Don’t miss the panel discussion at the end of the video featuring 6 members of the parish! Each will mention one thing that stood out in the video. They also share personal reflections on their Stories: a journey from Nigeria, praying during a journey to church in Haiti, the journey of life growing up in St. Gerard/Corpus Christi parish, and the memories of people who journeyed with IHM and St. Gerard parishes. Start clicking!
Click the Button below
Click on Session 2 Handouts/Adult and print an opening prayer, guide to the content, and reflection questions
Click on Generations of Faith Videos
Click on Session Two
Respond by emailing a word or short phrase (a person, quality, idea) about the video…something that stood out for you to corpuschristigenerations@gmail.com.
Bonus: A link to virtual tours of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, mentioned at the beginning of the video, can be found below the Session Two video (after you click on it) or click on these links:
Session Two Topic:Creation Parents, click on the button below to get to
the Session Two handouts which include activity sheets about the church year (Advent, Lent, etc) and caring for creation
the Generations of Faith Videos (session two) for your children
Marilyn Webb, our Youth Minister, introduces the Generations of Faith Videos for TEENS which are short, yet packed with faith messages. Your teens can watch the videos whenever it fits their schedule! Don’t miss the handouts.
7. Amazon.Smile!!! Purchases made thru Amazon.Smile can yield a contribution to our home parish, Corpus Christi. Please click on the button below for more information on how to obtain this benefit!
10. Links for viewing or registering for this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 11am. The 11am Mass will be livestreamed. Click on the button below for viewing the Mass. [Videos of Masses from prior weekends are also available at this site.]
If you have not registered (by noon on Saturday) to attend Mass in person and you still wish to attend a Mass at church this weekend please: - park in the parking lot a little ahead of Mass time, - go to the parking lot side entrance, - and ask the staff at that doorway if there is still available room. If there is room in church they will do a check-in process for you. Based on the slightly relaxed directions from AOD there is now more space available in the church to attend Mass in person.