1. Your Suggestions for a Name for our FOP? Our Family of six parishes is looking for a name for the Family. Your suggestions are really useful and there is a way for you to offer those to the Family. Click on the button below which will take you to our parish website page for the Family. The first red button there will take you to the place where you can offer one, two or three suggestions for a name for the Family. Blessings on your prayerful thought on this and for all the suggestions that you offer!
3. This Week’s Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework This week carry this prayer in your heart and on your lips:
"Jesus, I surrender my heart, mind, soul, and body to you. Lead me in your perfect love."
Practicing surrender in tranquil times gets us ready to give our lives over to Jesus when it's tempting to go our own way in tough moments.
4. This Week’s Dcn Aaron Holy Homework In Sunday’s Gospel Jesus asked the apostles “Who do you say I am?” Our homework is to prayerfully reflect on three questions: Who is Jesus for me? What difference does it make? How does it change the way I live?
5. Pray for our Children and their Catechists Each year our archdiocese and the bishops at the national level set aside the third Sunday in September as Catechetical Sunday. It is an excellent time to reflect on the important roles of parents, grandparents, guardians, catechists, RCIA teams, and all who assist them have in passing on the faith to our children and adults. Let us all rededicate ourselves to this mission as a community of faith. Let us also, especially, pray for our children and our catechists!
Prayer for the Corpus Christi Catechists
Lord, as our catechists respond to your call to serve you, I pray that you open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to see you and to hear your voice so that they may be instruments of your love, mercy, and truth to those they teach.
Use our catechists, Lord, to help our parishioners to experience an encounter with your Son Jesus so that our parishioners will become joyful witnesses of the Gospel in their daily lives at work, at school, and in their families.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill our catechists with your gifts so that they may confidently serve those you send them today … and each day.
6. Welcome! To Four Sacred Heart Major Seminary Students!
Please extend a warm welcome to four students of SHMS as they work with us for the next three months on Tuesday evenings! All four of them are part of the Companions of the Cross religious order headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario in Canada. As part of their fifth year here at SHMS they are offering Corpus Christi an evening per week where they will be doing evangelization ministry. So, please welcome:
Erandhitha (Eran) Amarasingha
Manas Khurana
Karl Hartman
Mark Hartman
(Yes! Those two are cousins!)
C. Reminders
7. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 60-second daily videos and 30-minute weekly Radio Broadcasts Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 60 seconds …POW! The newer item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
8. “Considering Catholicism?” Sunday, at 9:30am…Last Session in 2021!
Do you know someone who is curious about our Catholic faith? Do they have some questions they would like answered, questions about what we believe, questions about our worship activities, or any other questions?
Please feel free to invite them … and you could be their host! … to our Sunday 9:30am session in the Rainbow Room.
Sunday, the 19th of September, is our last session. Following that, Corpus Christi will have sessions for those who are more seriously interested in joining our faith, sessions that we call RCIA, “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”.
Dcn Paul and Jeff Smale have been leading the “Considering Catholicism?” sessions. Questions? Feel free to give Dcn Paul a call at 248.891.9387 or an email at [email protected].
9. AOD Black Catholics Advisory Board
“The Office of Black Catholic Ministry is looking to form a volunteer Advisory Board to serve a vital role in guiding the Office in the development of pastoral care and outreach to the Black Community in the Archdiocese of Detroit. The Board will not simply play an advisory role but will be actively involved in the development of projects and will advocate for the various needs within the community.”
For the full article from the AOD, please click on the button below. Applications for Board membership are due by Oct. 1st
10. AOD Updated Guidance on Liturgical Protocols for Covid-19
D. Standard Items
11. Liturgy schedule - weekdays Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:30am Mass Note: Tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 16th we will have a Communion Service, not a Mass.
Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:45pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church. They can also be made by appointment [313.537.5770].
12. Links for watching this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 9am & 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed and recorded on our website.