Receiving Holy Communion – in our hands, in our mouths, in our hearts – also, awaiting that, anticipating that before-hand
Spending time in-person with the Lord in the Eucharist we have received, or close-up in the tabernacle; even kneeling for a change?
Re-enjoying the space where we have previously encountered the Lord – in His Word and in His Eucharist – and in His people!
Sharing a space with all our five senses – seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting – a space that has excited those senses over and over again in the past
Seeing up-lifting art in the stained-glass windows, Stations of the Cross, banners, Baptismal Font, various other artwork
Seeing the artwork shown on the new video screen
Feeling the Holy Water as we bless ourselves with water from the Holy Water fonts
Feeling the dynamism of an in-person community
Sharing the kiss of peace with smiles and hand-waves to old friends and even new members
Seeing/communicating with old friends – even hugging them
Joining in the singing – whether on-key or even off-key
Enjoying the safety of a well-ventilated space and purified air
Picking up a real paper-copy of the parish bulletin
Socializing with friends before Mass, after Mass, and even a minute or two in the parking lot
Sharing a pew with some family members – those we live with or those who live nearby
Ministering again as a Lector, Greeter, Usher, Choir Member, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Altar Server, Minister of Service, Liturgical Assistant, …
Serving again outside of the actual Mass time: Environment Committee (aka, church decorators) – mostly the non-permanent décor … like banners, flowers, seasonal items (Christmas Trees, Stables, Lenten items, … ), etc.
….[any suggestions for additional items?]
B. Family of Parishes (FOP)
3. Novena Prayers for FOP Commissioning
4. Called and Gifted – Highly Recommended!
5. Job Fair & Holy Spirit Retreat
C. Today’s Special Items
6. This Week’s Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework Sit down with the Lord for an hour this week and have a conversation. Ask Jesus to show you any areas in your life where you may have attachments to bad habits that let sin slip into your life fairly easily. As Jesus reveals these areas, ask him for forgiveness and for a good strategy to change these things.
Please know of my prayers for you and this Holy Homework! Love you! -- Fr. Patrick
PS: The Sacrament of Confession is available from 1:00 – 3:45pm on Saturdays – and it’s all about mercy.
7. Generations of Faith – Encounter Jesus
Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior
RSVP by this Sunday to your invitation for in-person attendance to a Jewish wedding in the city of Cana. The wedding feast at Cana is an excerpt from The Chosen, a popular video series that portrays the life of Jesus and is biblically based, artistically enhanced. The in-person video and discussion are on Sunday, October 10 after the 11 am Mass in church. Your hosts need to know how many snacks and other supplies to provide so please sign up. (We don’t want to run out!) To RSVP: clink the link at the end of this article which will take you to Sign-Up Genius or sign-up in the back of church after Masses this weekend.
The invitation to attend virtually requires no RSVP. You attend the wedding feast at Cana at home whenever you wish! Just join the video of the wedding celebration and the taped panel discussion through a link on the Corpus Christi website that will go “live” on Sunday October 10th. (You provide your own snacks and supplies!)
The children and teens also have two options for their Generations of Faith Encounter with Jesus:
In-person on Sunday October 10th in rooms 3 & 4 with teens in the Activity Center from 12:25 to 1:40 pm with a snack provided.
At home through activities and videos using a link on the Corpus Christi website that goes “live” on October 10th.
Please RSVP for your children and teens who will be attending in-person on October 10th through the link below which takes you to Sign-up Genius or at the back of church after Mass this weekend.
**Directions to RSVP online: Click the link below which takes you to Sign-Up Genius. Then:
8. 3-D is Back! 3-D -- Dissertation, Discussion, Dessert -- is back! All adults are invited to an exciting evening of viewing TheChosen, followed by discussion. The Chosen is a new video program that presents Jesus in a way that engages people to relate to Him in a meaningful, personal way. Elaine O’Neill will lead the discussion in the Rainbow Room, 6:45 p.m.-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, October 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th and November 2nd. Please call Elaine, 313-533-2010, if you have any questions. To register click on the button below.
9. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 60-second daily videos and 30-minute weekly Radio Broadcasts Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 60 seconds …POW! The newer item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
10. Liturgy schedule - weekdays Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:30am Mass
Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:45pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church. They can also be made by appointment [313.537.5770].
11. Links for watching this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 9am & 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed and recorded on our website.