Gospel for Sunday, April 24th: John 20:19-31 Jesus Appears to Apostles on Easter Evening
Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Halleluiah! Jesus blessed all people so well and so deeply with his passion, death and resurrection 2000 years ago. AND, he continued that blessing here at Corpus Christi as we celebrated Holy Week, the Triduum and Easter Sunday. The congregations, the choirs, the lectors, the ministers at the altar, and those supporting them behind the scenes … we will all recall these blessings for weeks and weeks! Thanks to all for your participation during that super special week! A special welcome and congratulations to those who were baptized, received their first Holy Communion, and received the Sacrament of Confirmation!
Video and Audio Recordings As usual, you can find video recordings of our ceremonies on the parish website by clicking on the button below.
A special audio recording of our Holy Thursday visiting speaker from SHMS, Dr. Andre Villeneuve, on the historical roots of the Holy Thursday meal, can be found by clicking on the button below. That will take you to our parish website. Once there you can click on the button that says: “PASSOVER/JEWISH ROOTS”
“As the Father has sent me, so I am sending You” Oh, me? I am being sent? Well, give it a little thought! Well, maybe more than a little. Perhaps we can mention how joyful were the Easter celebrations. Perhaps we can share one of those Corpus Christi invitation cards with a friend or family member. OR, maybe we could even consider trying one of the parish Evangelization efforts … once? … once a month? … once a week?
The two primary parish Evangelization efforts are: StoreFront Evangelization (SFE) and Visiting Our Neighbors (VON).
SFE: Usually, it is a group of 2 to 5 people who stand in a lobby of a grocery store. We offer shoppers a free cross on a chain and free prayers for any of their needs. Needs? Well last week one man mentioned that his mother was just put into hospice care. We prayed for the mother and the son who told us that news. Needs? Another man mentioned that his mother had just been diagnosed with cancer. We again took a few moments with the man to pray for his mother. Could you try that: … once? … once a month? … once a week?
VON: As the weather gets warmer and daylight lasts longer we will start our warm weather efforts of Visiting Our Neighbors. For many years we have been going out in teams of two to go down a block, ring doorbells, and converse with those who live there. A typical conversation starts with us saying who we are and that we are from Corpus Christi Catholic Church. From there the conversation develops adaptively: finding any need for prayers, telling them about our parish and our experiences with the Lord, and inviting them to come visit us. Could you try that: … once? … once a month? … once a week?
Would you like to get a bit more information on these Evangelization efforts? Here are some links to our parish website:
Alleluia He is Risen!! Celebrating with you the glory of our risen Christ, the hope of His promise, the joy of His love! The Generations of Faith Team
Fr. Patrick’s presentation, prayer, and reflection on the Healing Jesus can still be seen through the link on the Corpus Christi website. The presentation begins about 11 minutes into the recording. Watching will provide you with a time of reflection and quiet prayer - a good way to celebrate the Risen Lord. Click the button below. Children and teens: At home activities and videos are on the Corpus Christi website. Click on the button below for the links.
Do you have suggestions for topics for next year? Comments about the session on Healing? Use the button below to access an evaluation/suggestion form and fill it out by Monday, April 25th.
Really, what are the gifts, charisms, or skills that you have already received from the Holy Spirit? Oh, really?!?! How about spending some time identifying and/or verifying them? The next question is then key: “How can I use them here in the Kingdom of God … in the parish … in the community … or in …?”
Please click on the link below to view some brief witness stories of prior attendees. When that button takes you to our website page simply click on the image from St. Scholastica’s to your left.
Corpus Christi Annual Women’s Retreat You are invited to join women of Corpus Christi on a spiritual retreat at the Capuchin retreat center in Washington, MI, May 13-15, 2022. (This is not Mother’s Day Weekend.) To register and find out more details, contact Brenda Martin, available after Mass or call 248-943-0974. Partial scholarships are available, and Brenda will have these forms for you to complete.
The purpose of a retreat is to break away from the distractions of everyday life to communicate more closely with God. The theme of the retreat is: ”I will be with you always.” (Matt. 28:20) On this retreat we invite you to “let go—let God”. God is here right now and present. What helps us to hope and know that God is with us, is present in every age and moment? In the moments of uncertainty, we are called to trust the Lord. Trusting that God is with you gives you a freedom to let go and place your life in God’s hand.
**** NOTE: A change in the program timing: now it will be 8:00am to 5:30pm
Our prayer list continues to grow for the deceased, the ill and the homebound. Please visit our parish bulletin for the current list on page 3. … and then raise a prayer for those on the list and your own special intentions. Simply click on the Bulletin button at the end of this email.
AND, please add to your list: “The prayer request of those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts”!