Aug. 28th – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 14:1, 7-14 “…invite the poor, the crippled, the lame…”
Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework
This week ask the Holy Spirit each morning to have the grace of continuing conversation and then challenge yourself (the grace will be there) to try to converse more with Jesus throughout the day … He shares the journey with you. (Matt 29:20)
BACK TO SCHOOL MASS Start off the school year right! Join us for any Mass next weekend, August 27/28, for a special blessing. Click on the button below to find out about gifts and blessings!
A BIG thanks to Mary Davis and the whole team of people who worked on the great picnic on Sunday. Great food! Great fun! Great memories! Thanks especially for all the efforts it took to move things to the gym and Rainbow Room due to the threats of rain.
Black Catholic Women’s Conference
Last Saturday at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary things went very well for the Black Catholic Women’s Conference. A big thanks to our Corpus Christi members who were part of making it a success: Valerie Berry, who was a big part of the planning process, and several of our choir members who were part of the music presentations during the afternoon liturgy.
An Amazing Tuesday Evening for Evangelization!
This Tuesday (yesterday) the Evangelization Committee focused on “REVISITS”. The VON (Visiting Our Neighbor) efforts often lead to identifying homes that are welcoming and engaging to the visits to their homes. Last night two REVISIT teams went back to such homes and things went marvelously at seven homes.
An outstanding visit was to a man’s home near Pembroke. Chris was his name and he had been in a serious auto accident in 2014. He was stopped at a traffic light and a truck did not stop but crashed into the back of his car. His back and legs were severally injured, and he has been in quite a bit of pain since then even after the medical treatments for those damages.
While standing on the front porch with the REVISTORS, he told his story and mentioned his on-going pains. Fr. Patrick offered to ask Jesus for healing of the man. Chris was willing to accept those prayers. After praying for a while, Fr. Patrick asked if the pain had decreased. Chris was a bit surprised and said “Yes!”. Fr. Patrick prayed some more and then asked Chris to move around a bit and see how much pain was left. Chris smiled …”no more pain!” Father then asked him to do some stretching, even bending over to touch his toes. Still, no pain! Well, how about a little jogging? Sure! And still no pain!
You can imagine the rest. A really smiling Chris! Do you think he’ll ever come by to visit us at Corpus Christi?
That was just one of several joyful meetings on several front porches! Thanks to all those who pray for the VON teams … whether praying in church while the teams are out, or praying from their homes at a time that fits their schedule.
Invite a Family Member or a Friend to “Consider Catholicism”
Is someone you know wondering about your church, your faith, your beliefs, your Bible, your prayers, your worship services, or any other aspect of our Catholic religion? We have a casual process for such people to ask questions about our Catholic faith and practices. We are calling it “Considering Catholicism?” and are having sessions on Sunday mornings from 9:30am to 10:30am in the Rainbow Room. The sessions are hosted by Dcn Paul Mueller and Valerie Berry. You are most welcome to accompany your invited guest for their first session … and following sessions as well. Sessions are continuing on Sundays through Sept. 18th except the Sunday on Labor Day Weekend.
Care to know any more about these sessions? Please contact Dcn Paul Mueller in person, or at [email protected], or via phone at 248.891.9387.
As many of you know, life is horrible in Haiti now as gang violence continues to spread. We have just received a long and detailed email from Fr. Romel, pastor of St. Louie in Mirebalais. He states, in part:
“During the war of the gangs in Port au Prince that still makes people fear and where people are dying day after day, we keep receiving people in Mirebalais. I received the money HOM sent me to support some of them. However, it was very difficult for me because of the quantity of people in need and who asked for support. I took time to choose the more vulnerable.People are coming to the rectory to ask me as a priest to help them. It is a great suffering when I see the need for these people who are forced to leave their homes and sometimes even their jobs in Port au Prince and that I cannot help them. Please help me to open some doors for them.”
We are pleased to announce our Second Annual Detroit River Dinner Cruise on the lovely Diamond Belle. The cruise will depart from the dock at Stroh's River Place (free parking) promptly at 6:30pm.
Your $75 ticket will include a 2 ½ hour river cruise, full buffet dinner and dessert. There will be a cash bar for all beverages. To keep the cruise as accessible as possible, we are not raising the ticket price although the cost of the cruise and food has increased by $12 per ticket.
Dr. Dominique Monde-Matthews will give an update on current conditions in Haiti and the work of HOM and will answer your questions.
Tickets are on sale now. There are only 110 tickets and payment must be received by September 8.
We hope that you will plan on attending this important event. If you can't attend, donations to Haiti Outreach Mission are always gratefully accepted.
Please join us as we work together to make a difference for the people of Mirebalais, Haiti!
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau Family Administrator Corpus Christi Parish & Valerie and Bill McNeece Event Co-Chairs
Blank registration forms are available in the back of church. To print out a copy of the registration form, just click on the button below and then print out the form.
One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic faith is the Eucharist. Ever since the Last Supper, the Catholic Church has believed that the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. You are invited to come and spend time in adoration with Jesus at Corpus Christi as we begin to offer these new time slots for adoration. Ideally, we will have two people in the church before Jesus whenever adoration happens. On our parish website you will see two slots for each time. Please know that if the slot is filled there will still be plenty of room in church for you!
You can go directly to the adoration sign-up by clicking on the following button:
The gospel of Sunday, July 3rd, was about Jesus sending out 72 disciples to alert people of his coming to visit their towns. In that gospel Jesus speaks the line: “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few”. That message is still true today.
Did that gospel message possibly stir anything in your mind or heart? Corpus Christi is definitely recruiting more and more members to consider joining in some portion of our evangelization efforts.
VON – Visiting Our Neighbors in homes in our church boundaries
SFE – Store Front Evangelization at Foodland and Apollo markets
Prayer ministry during those efforts
These efforts are from 6:00pm until about 8:15pm on Tuesday evenings (except the 1st Tuesday of the month). On the first Tuesdays of the month we meet, greet, and eat at 6:30pm in the Rainbow Room to share our stories, have some fun, and a do bit of planning.
How about YOU? Curious? Getting a nudge from the Lord? Want to know more about it? In addition to visiting our parish website you could also talk to/call one of the following: Vickie Remesz – 248.765.4208 Jeff Smale – 248.910.2250 Paul Mueller – 248.891.9387
Please Pray for …
Our prayer list continues to grow for the deceased, the ill and the homebound. Please visit our parish bulletin for the current list on page 3. … and then raise a prayer for those on the list and your own special intentions. Simply click on the Bulletin button at the end of this email.
AND, please add to your list: “The prayer requests of those we have met during our Store Front Evangelization efforts and the Visiting Our Neighbors efforts”!
Liturgy schedule – weekdays
Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 8:30am