1. Christmas Masses: Days and Times Thursday, Dec. 24th, 4:00pm – Children’s Mass Thursday, Dec. 24th, 9:00pm – Choir Christmas Music Concert Thursday, Dec. 24th, 10pm – Mass
Note: both the Concert and the Mass will be livestreamed and recorded (a change from a prior email!) This Mass can be viewed any time on Christmas Day.
Friday, Dec. 25th, 10am – Mass
You may register for attending these Masses in-person by clicking on this button.
2. Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework This week, ask daily – with a fervent and expectant faith – for Jesus to come into your life anew on Christmas in a life-changing way!
3. Generations of Faith – Adults -- Who is Jesus? Just a Good Man or Lord of our Lives? Renew Reflect Respond Generations of Faith 2020/21
Deadline this evening! (Monday December 21st) to respond with your favorite name/title of Jesus so we can build a Corpus Christi Word Cloud. Use the form at the bottom of the Generations of Faith page on the parish website or email Corpus Christi at [email protected].
To view the video Who is Jesus? Click theButton below to go to the parish website
To print the handout: Click on Session 3 Handouts/Adults
To see the video: click on Generation of Faith Videos then on ADULTS 2020-2021SESSION THREE
4. AOD Noon Christmas Mass – TV Broadcast on ABC, Channel 7 The Archdiocese of Detroit is doing a TV broadcast of the noon Mass on Christmas Day from the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Archbishop Vigneron will be presiding.
5. FORMED Highlights of the Week Click on the button below to see the many highlights from FORMED for this week.
6. This Weekend’s Livestreamed Mass This weekend our Corpus Christi 11:00 am Sunday Mass will be the usual livestreamed and recorded Mass. See Item 12 below for all the Mass times and for the sign-up information and links.
7. Generations of Faith – Children and Teens – The Joy Story The Joy Story: Jesus Is Coming Session 3
GOF for children
Check out GOF for children---you will find the life of Jesus on video and do not miss the handouts that have patterns for ornaments. Happy Advent!
Find out where Mary is in the Bible. Mary is the perfect example of a follower of Jesus. And by the way do you know the four reasons that Jesus became man? Be sure to watch the videos and reference the handouts.
8. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 90-sec. daily video and a NEW 30-minute weekly audio broadcast
Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 90 seconds …POW! The NEW item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
9. AOD Advent On-Line Retreat The Mass: When Heaven Touches Earth Prepare for Christmas by rediscovering the beauty of the Mass.Several priests will explore four parts of the Mass with discussion led by Fr. Steve Pullis via livestream on Monday evenings at 7:30pm.Click on the button below to view the livestream.
Nov. 30th – Why the Mass? – Fr. Patrick Gonyeau Dec. 7th – Why the Incarnation? – Fr. Craig Giera Dec. 14th – Why the Eucharist? – Msgr. Charles Kosanke Dec. 21st – Why Worship? – Fr. Lee Acervo
! 10. FORMED Advent Program for you and your family Join FORMED for the Road to Bethlehem, a journey that includes daily Advent reflections and enrichment. FORMED will be sending you handpicked videos, talks, and texts every day throughout Advent to nourish your spiritual life. Sign up today to prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus at Christmas
11. Liturgy schedule - weekdays Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:30am Mass Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:00pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church
12. Links for viewing or registering for this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed. Click on the button below for viewing the Mass.
If you have not registered (by noon on Saturday) to attend Mass in person and you still wish to attend a Mass at church this weekend please: - park in the parking lot a little ahead of Mass time, - go to the parking lot side entrance, - and ask the staff at that doorway if there is still available room. If there is room in church they will do a check-in process for you.