1. Tomorrow, June 29th: Feast of Saints Peter and Paul St. Peter – one of the first Apostles, a Galilean fisherman; given the “keys of the kingdom” by Jesus; first apostle into Jesus’s tomb on Easter morning; led the Twelve Apostles; first pope of the Catholic Church; martyred by crucifixion. St. Paul – persecuted the Christians until Jesus appeared to him; travelled all over the mid-East as an evangelizer and wrote many letters to communities he founded; since he was a Roman citizen, he was martyred by being beheaded.
2. YOU are Invited! YOU! Yes, YOU, are more and more welcome to Corpus Christi now that the vaccination rates have climbed so well.
Come, visit with the Lord!
Come, see some old friends!
Come, join in the singing and prayers!
Come, rest in the presence of the Lord!
Opportunity knocks…prayerfully consider YOUR options.
3. Fr. Patrick’s Presentation on Family of Parishes
At each of our Masses on June 19th-20th, Fr. Patrick presented a great deal of information about the Family of Parishes and how our family is making progress towards the official start date of July 1st…Yes, three days from now! To hear an audio recording of the homily and/or to view the slides he used during the presentation click on the button below which will take you to our parish website.
4. Fr. Patrick’s Bulletin Article on FOP Job Descriptions
In yesterday’s bulletin Fr. Patrick gave us three job descriptions of those serving as “directors” in the FOP organizational structure. They include: Director of Mission Support, Director of Discipleship Formation, and Director of Engagement. Next week he will write about the other three director positions: Director of Evangelical Charity, Director of Family Ministries and Director of Worship. To view the bulletin article, click on the button below.
5. Corpus Christi Parish Website: New Page for FOP! Corpus Christi has created a new page for the parish website, a page devoted to the FOP efforts, plans, links, etc.! A sample of what is there already includes:
6. Video of the Second Gathering of Parishes of our Family On Friday, June 18th, our Family of six parishes had its second Gathering of Parishes. It was held at St. Juan Diego parish. The gathering aimed to deepen our new, faith-founded relationships and to help us begin to grow together as disciples. Our CC members, Sr. Frances Gerhard and Elaine O’Neill, were among those making presentations. To view a video of the Gathering click on the button below.
7. Links to Websites of Other Five Family Members Our Family of Parishes includes our Corpus Christi and five other parishes:
Presentation-Our Lady of Victory
St. Scholastica
St. Mary of Redford
St. Peter and Paul
St. Juan Diego
We can get to know more about our other family parish members in several ways:
Attend family gatherings
Attend a church service at one of those parishes
View their websites
AND, a quick way to have access to the websites of the other five parishes is to click on the link below and to scan down to the lower portion of our parish website FOP Page where all five websites are listed and accessible with single clicks.
8. Summer Camp Sign-up! In a few weeks, the Northwest Detroit Youth Coalition (NWDYC) will host its annual 4-week summer camp!
This year Camp will run from July 7 - July 30 and registration will once again be FREE OF CHARGE!!!
Instruction will be provided in a hybrid format - with two days/week (Wednesdays and Thursdays) of interactive/on-line content, and a half-day in person session on the Fridays during the month of July. Interactive instruction in Arts and Crafts, Exercise, Tennis, Aikido (Martial Arts), Drumline, Hip Hop Dance, Basketball and more will offered!!!
If you or someone you know has a child ages 5-14 looking for fun summer activities, please register online TODAY.
Our Best, Program Administration Northwest Detroit Youth Coalition (NWDYC) 19800 Pembroke Avenue Detroit, MI 48219 313-473-7694 http://www.nwdyc.org
9. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 60-second daily videos and 30-minute weekly Radio Broadcasts Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 60 seconds …POW! The newer item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
10. Liturgy schedule - weekdays Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:30am Mass
Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:45pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church. They can also be made by appointment [313.537.5770].
11. Links for watching this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 9am & 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed. Click on the button below for watching the Mass.