1. Holy Homework from Dcn Paul Our Sunday gospel was the Passion according to St. Mark. View ourself as a closest friend of Jesus in that story. The Holy Homework is to take time (several times!) this week to talk with the Lord as our closest friend … sincerely, openly, trustingly, closely. Blessings on those fine efforts!
2. GOF Holy Spirit “Word Cloud”
Renew Reflect Respond
Generations of Faith 2020/21 The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace
Here is the Holy Spirit Word Cloud compiled from the words and phrases you sent in after watching the video The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace. These words describe the symbols, titles, and characteristics of the Holy Spirit that have special meaning to you. (The very tiny words are simply repeats of the larger ones so you won’t miss an idea if the font is too small.) Thank you to all who contributed!
Holy Week Enrich your Holy Week experience by watching or rewatching Video Four in our series: The Paschal Mystery: The Mystery of Jesus’s Death and Resurrection. Find the videoby clicking theButton below to go to the parish website - To print the handout: Click on Previous Handouts, then Session 4, then Adults - To see the video: click on Generation of Faith Videos then on For ADULTS 2020-2021SESSION FOUR (number 6 on the list of posted videos)
3. You are Invited! You are Welcome! You’ll be Safe! Please join us in person at Mass. We’re so happy to welcome you back! We’re being diligent about keeping you safe by following our Covid-19 protocols which include:
Things the church is doing:
Running our six (6) medical-grade air purifying units in the church before and during mass thus removing bacteria and viruses, including the Covid virus, from the air.
Cleaning and sanitizing the church after Masses.
Providing hand sanitizer throughout the church for your use, as needed
Taking your temperature as you come into the church. (Please do NOT come to mass if you are feeling ill or running a temperature.)
Bringing Holy Communiontoyour pew (Fr. Patrick, a Deacon or an EME comes to you).
Things we ask you to do:
Registering yourself for mass (by noon on Saturdays) and including your phone number so that we can call you should someone report a positive test for the Covid virus.
Wearing a mask at all times over your nose and under your chin (everyone two and older).
Maintaining a 6-foot physical distance between you/members of your household, and others not in your household, both in the pews and in other seating areas, before and after mass.
For more in-depth information and guidance from the Archdiocese of Detroit, please see page 7 of this week’s bulletin.
4. Lenten Gospel Reflections Our Lenten Faith Sharing Emmaus Groups reflect on the Sunday Scripture readings and follow the discussion guide for Lent as presented in the book 52 Sundays. The guides, group Information and weekly videos can be found on the Corpus Christi website. You are invited to join a group or refer to the material yourself for personal insights and prayer. Check it out for a more meaningful Lent!
6. Fr. Patrick and Beth Allison on new AOD UTG Podcast Episode
St. Aloysius Parish Engagement Coordinator, Beth Allison, shares her journey from interior design to ministry, and the universal connection of the Catholic faith she’s experienced as she’s travelled the world.
7. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 90-second daily videos and 30-minute weekly radio broadcast Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 90 seconds …POW! The newer item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.