1. Prayers for Physical Healing – After 11:00 Mass, Sun., Mar. 7th
After mass the 11am Mass this Sunday (3/7/21) trained prayer ministers from the Encounter School of Ministry will be available to pray for those in need of physical healing. The students were present on February 14th and several healings occurred, praise Jesus!
Ilene Ryan, who has used a cane for well over a year experienced complete healing in her right knee and not only no longer limped but was able to jog fine. Her primary doctor had referred her to a surgeon, and after the healing, the surgeon checked the knee out said both of her knees were healthy, praise the Lord!
2. Spreading the Word via Digital Media
Inspired by St. John Paul II’s call for the new evangelization to be new in “ardor, methods and expression” the Catholic Church has experienced an effective rise in digital evangelization efforts over the last two decades. During the pandemic, these efforts have become as important as ever.
We’re happy to report that the weekly radio program “Renewal of the Mind” produced at Corpus Christi is now being carried on the air Monday – Friday by a growing new Catholic internet / app radio station based in California called Spirit Filled Radio.
With each episode produced at Corpus Christi, the program not only seeks to help disciples grow in their life in the Holy Spirit, but also puts the name of Corpus Christi out there near and far. In an age when many Churches (Corpus Christi as well) are welcoming a virtual / digital congregation to masses every weekend in addition to in-person attendees, we seek to extend our radical hospitality at Corpus Christi to our digital front doors as well. It is our desire to continue to have great impact in the neighborhood and beyond as we continue our labors in the Great Commission (Mt 28:20).
3. Covid-19 Vaccinations (Moderna) Administered at Corpus Christi
Starting on Tuesday, March 9th, Covid-19 Vaccinations will be administered at Corpus Christi Church on the Tuesdays in March with the 2nd vaccination administered 28 days later, on the corresponding Tuesday in April. Shots will be administered in the 8:00am to 3:45pm period. You must have an appointment to receive a vaccination. This is open to anyone 60 years of age and older and anyone at least 55 years of age with underlying conditions. Please call 313-649-4989, leave a message with your name and phone number and someone will call you back to schedule your appointment.
4. Detroit Catholic Daily Digest – Fr. Don Recognition
For members of Corpus Christi parish this article and video will bring joy and smiles as they learn of Fr. Don Archambault’s recognition for his years of service.
Exodus 90’s regimen of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity gets men’s attention. Over 30,000 laymen, priests and bishops in 65 countries have undergone the prayer-led, paradigm-shifting journey to true freedom that releases them from deeply personal habits, distractions and even addictions that they often didn't even realize were preventing them from fully receiving the graces and gifts of God.
Who could have known last March when the annual Lenten Soup Meal, organized by the Parish’s Social Justice Committee, was the first Parish event to be cancelled amid the growing threat of Covid 19, that one whole year later on the third Sunday of Lent (March 7) we would be cancelling the event again. What to do about that? How, exactly, does one do a virtual Soup Meal?!
Using our Parish Lenten theme of “Let’s Listen – Be Changed – Go Love” as a basis, here’s what we’ve come up with. Go to the Soup Meal page on our website for Scripture references, recipes, and donation suggestions. Blessings on your Lenten journey.
7. Technology Update We are still breaking in the new technology in the Church and working out some hiccups along the way. Last weekend, we ran into some technical difficulties and were unable to livestream the mass. We apologize for this inconvenience and plan to have the problem resolved soon. If you would like to hear the homily from last weekend, click on this link: https://frpatrick.libsyn.com/the-transfiguration-sacramental-grace
8. GOF – Session 5 – Adults – Holy Spirit.
Renew Reflect Respond
Generations of Faith 2020/21 The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace
Wind, fire, dove…. What are some characteristics that these symbols have in common with the Holy Spirit? Who exactly is the Holy Spirit? How does the Spirit move through our lives and the life of the Church? Why do we need the Holy Spirit in our lives? You’ll find teachings, dogmas, and personal witnessing about the Holy Spirit in this fifth Generations of Faith video. Can you make time during this Lenten season to view this 40-minute video?
A panel discussion with Corpus Christi parishioners can, as usual, be found at the end of the video. Don’t miss it!
Click theButton below to go to the parish website
To print the handout: Click on Session 5 Handouts/Adults
To see the video: click on Generation of Faith Videos then on ADULTS 2020-2021SESSION Five
Respond: What image or title or characteristic of the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart? Email your word to [email protected]. Your word will become part of a “word cloud” to be published at the end of March. Related Additional Resources: Visually explore St. Peter Basilica in Rome, including the Holy Spirit window mentioned in this month’s video. A 2 ½ minute walk-through the Basilica with no narration:
9. Easter Season Planning – Please Respond by March 4th Zoom Together! Easter Season Planning
Even though Lent has just begun, the parish starts preparing for the Easter Season in March. You’re invited to participate in a virtual, via Zoom, planning on Saturday, March 6th from 9 – 11:15 am. We will reflect on the message in God's Word found in the Gospels of the Easter Season. All Scripture lovers welcome! Schedule: ** Opening prayer ** The Season of Easter ** Reading and reflecting on the Gospels of the season ** Discerning together (led by Fr. Patrick) a focus for Easter 2021 at Corpus Christi
For Zoom you will need a computer, tablet, or phone with audio (microphone).
Respond to this email to request a link to the Zoom gathering or call the parish at 313-537-5770 and leave your name and email address by Thursday, March 4th please.
10. Lenten Gospel Reflections Our Lenten Faith Sharing Emmaus Groups reflect on the Sunday Scripture readings and follow the discussion guide for Lent as presented in the book 52 Sundays. The guides, group Information and weekly videos can be found on the Corpus Christi website. You are invited to join a group or refer to the material yourself for personal insights and prayer. Check it out for a more meaningful Lent!
11. Stations of the Cross – Now on Video!! Come, pray the Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays at 6:30pm in the church. If you wish to participate from your own home you can now view the Stations on your computer or cell phone. Corpus Christi has just video recorded our Stations and you can find them via the button below.
Confessions are available at 1:00pm – 3:45pm on Saturdays. They can also be made by appointment [313.537.5770].
13.AOD Unleash the Gospel Podcast “Open Door Policy” Episodes with Fr. Patrick Fr. Patrick is now hosting the Podcast “Open Door Policy” Episodes for the AOD. His co-host is Emily Mentock. They are taking over for the prior team of Fr. Steve Pullis and Danielle Center. To listen to their second episode, Episode 64, click on the button below.
14. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 90-sec. daily video and a 30-minute weekly audio broadcast Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 90 seconds …POW! The NEW item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
15. FREE - National Catholic Women's Conference! – On-Line “My peace I give you.” John 14:27
What would it take to find a few moments of peace in your day? What if those few moments made all the difference? Conference dates: Friday, noon, March 12th through all day, Sunday, March 14th.
16. Liturgy schedule - weekdays Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:30am Mass Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:00pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church
17. Links for viewing or registering for this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday, 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed. Click on the button below for viewing the Mass.
If you have not registered (by noon on Saturday) to attend Mass in person and you still wish to attend a Mass at church this weekend please: - park in the parking lot a little ahead of Mass time, - go to the parking lot side entrance, - and ask the staff at that doorway if there is still available room. If there is room in church, they will do a check-in process for you.