1. FOP Commissioning Mass Last Thursday Bp. Donald Hanchon presided at a Mass for the Commissioning of the clergy of the six parishes within our Family of Parishes. The Mass was held in Saints Peter and Paul – Westside Parish.
(left to right)
Fr. Athanasius Fornwalt, FHS, (Franciscan), St. Mary of Redford
Fr. James Lowe, CC (Companion of the Cross), St. Scholastica
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau, Corpus Christi
Fr. Pilus Jaroslaw, SS Peter & Paul – West Side
Fr. Jaime Hinojos, St. Juan Diego (FOP Moderator)
Additional FOP Clergy
Center: Bishop Don Hanchon
To Bp. Hanchon’s right: Dcn Hubert Sanders, Presentation – Our Lady of Victory
To Bp. Hanchon’s far right: Dcn Aaron Poyer, Corpus Christi
For more photos please visit our parish website by clicking on the following button:
3. This Week’s Fr. Patrick Holy Homework This week for Holy Homework, try to take a quiet half-hour to talk with Jesus every day. As the center and source of our life, He is worthy of our time.
4. Advent Season Planning – Saturday, Oct. 16th
Note new time: You’re invited to join other Corpus Christi parishioners via Zoom on Saturday, October 16th from 9:30 – 11:30 am as we listen to and reflect on God's Word speaking to us through the scriptures of the Advent Season. All Scripture lovers welcome!
Schedule: ** Opening Prayer, ** Advent in Two Minutes video (Busted Halo) ** read and reflect on the readings of the season, ** discern together (led by Fr. Patrick) a focus for Advent 2021 at Corpus Christi.
For Zoom you will need a computer, tablet, or phone with audio (microphone). Video (camera) capabilities are helpful, but not necessary. Reply to this email by Thursday evening if you would like to receive the link to this Zoom session.
5. Generations of Faith – Wedding Feast of Cana
You are invited to attend a virtual Jewish wedding in the city of Cana! Other attendees include the bride and groom, Jesus, His mother Mary, some of His disciples plus many families and friends of the couple. Attend in the comfort of your home whenever you wish! The video of the feast is an excerpt from The Chosen, a popular multi-season series about the life of Christ from the perspective of those who interacted with Him.
A table discussion, filmed at Corpus Christi, follows the video. This month’s panelists are Kate Davis, Olivian DeSouza, Elaine O’Neill, Carlton and Rhonda Walker.
Over 25 adults attended the Wedding Feast in-person last Sunday after the 11 am Mass where they shared their experiences of the video and stories of the beginnings of their faith journeys.
Fourteen children/teens were also part of the in-person session of Generations of Faith. Special thanks to Dionne Gardner and Jeff Smale who set up and cleaned up the refreshments for the session.
Join the wedding feast: Click on the button below. There you’ll find links to the video, to a handout to print for information and reflection, and to the closing hymn Every Day God.
Children and teens Find at home activities and videos just for you by clicking on the button below for the links
6.Funeral Mass for Ella Goldsmith Ella died on Oct. 5th at age 93. May she truly rest in peace. Click on the button below to see the plans for the wake and the funeral Mass.
7. Mass Remembering Those Who Died During this last year During November we remember those who have passed away in the last year. At the Masses on the weekend of November 6th - 7th we will mention the names of all those who have been buried from our parish. If you will be attending one of these Masses and have a loved one who was buried from our parish, please call the rectory, 313-537-5770, or email Sr. Therese at: [email protected] and we will have a candle for that person.
8. ‘Scare in O’Hair’ Halloween Trick or Treat This year, Corpus Christi Parish will again be supporting the neighborhood ‘Scare in O’Hair’ Halloween Trick or Treat event on October 31st. We welcome donations of candy until October 31st. Donations can be dropped in the Wishing Well or in a box located in that area of the church. Thank you for your generosity!
C. Reminders
9. Renewal of the Mind: Fr. Patrick’s 60-second daily videos and 30-minute weekly Radio Broadcasts Fr. Patrick’s daily video draws guidance for the day from the Mass Scriptures of the day. The message is there … 60 seconds …POW!
The newer item is the 30-minute weekly audio broadcast. It can be reached at any time of day or night, any day of the week.
10.3-D -- Dissertation, Discussion, Dessert – Session #3 3-D -- Dissertation, Discussion, Dessert -- is back! All adults are invited to an exciting evening of viewing TheChosen, followed by discussion. The Chosen is a new video program that presents Jesus in a way that engages people to relate to Him in a meaningful, personal way.
Elaine O’Neill will lead the discussion in the Rainbow Room, 6:45 p.m.-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, October 19th, & 26th and November 2nd.
Please call Elaine, 313-533-2010, if you have any questions. To register click on the button below.
11. Liturgy schedule – weekdays– Confession time change for just this Saturday Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:30am Mass
Saturdays: 1:00 – 3:45pm – Confessions in Reconciliation Rm in church. They can also be made by appointment [313.537.5770]. This week confessions will be AFTER the 4:00 Mass
12. Links for watching this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 9am & 11am. The 11am Mass is the Mass most often livestreamed and recorded on our website.