1. Fr. Patrick’s Holy Homework Each morning and several times a day this week, ask Jesus, “Jesus, please grant me the grace of a renewal in my prayer life!”
2. Yesterday’s Mass for an End to Racism Yesterday was the Feast of St. Peter Claver, the Jesuit missionary who served in Columbia, South America during the early 1600s AD. He spent his total ministry in serving the Africans who were being imported as slaves. To honor St. Peter Claver and to seek “An End to Racism” Archbishop Vigneron was joined by several priests for a 6pm Mass yesterday here at Corpus Christi. This was the culmination of a 9-day archdiocesan novena of prayers for “An End to Racism”. To see a video of that Mass please click on the button below.
The Church uses the following prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours to address these concerns: God of mercy and love, you offer all peoples the dignity of sharing in your life. By the examples and prayers of St. Peter Claver, strengthen us to overcome all racial hatreds and to love each other as brothers and sisters. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
3. LIVE, tonight! Strong Faith – Vital Connections One of our parish members, Vickie Figueroa, who is also an employee of the AOD, will be hosting a webinar with the topic: Liturgy: Authentically Black and Truly Catholic. It can be viewed this evening at 7pm. Click on the following button:
6. Liturgy schedule for this week Friday, Sept. 11th, 8:30am and 12:15pm Saturday, Sept. 12th, 1:00-3:00pm – Confessions; 4:00pm – Mass Sunday, Sept. 13th, 11:00am – Mass (livestreamed)
7. Links for viewing or registering for this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 11am. The 11am Mass will be livestreamed. Click on the button below for viewing the Mass. [Videos of Masses from prior weekends are also available at this site.]
If you have not registered (by noon on Saturday) to attend Mass in person and you still wish to attend a Mass at church this weekend please: - park in the parking lot a little ahead of Mass time, - go to the parking lot side entrance, - and ask the staff at that doorway if there is still available room. If there is room in church they will do a check-in process for you. Based on the slightly relaxed directions from AOD there is now more space available in the church to attend Mass in person.