1. Links for signing-up for or for viewing this weekend’s Masses Our Masses are: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday 11am. The 11am Mass will be livestreamed. Click on the button below for viewing the Mass. [Videos of Masses from prior weekends are also available at this site.]
If you have not registered (by noon on Saturday) to attend Mass in person and you still wish to attend a Mass at church this weekend please: - park in the parking lot a little ahead of Mass time, - go to the parking lot side entrance, - and ask the staff at that doorway if there is still available room. If there is room in church they will do a check-in process for you. Based on the slightly relaxed directions from AOD there is now more space available in the church to attend Mass in person.
2. Holy Homework Three tips for growing in our ability to converse with God: a. Start the conversation being silent, listening for the Lord b. Find a story of Jesus in the Gospels, a story that gets your attention c. Imagine yourself being there at that very Gospel event, present in that very story … think of what you would have been doing in that story. Now, how you would tell others about your experience? d. Take 15 minutes each day for this exercise.
3. Confessions Confessions are usually offered from 1pm to 3pm on Saturdays outside the Activities Center. Please feel most welcome!
4. Tried the 3-Minute Retreat? You can now get to it by going to our parish website. Click on the button below to make it easy. The 3-Minute Retreat: a. Gives a line from Scriptures b. Gives a short meditation on it c. Asks a couple of relevant questions d. Gives a brief prayer e. Each day there is a new 3-Minute Retreat
What? Antibody and COVID-19 Testing When? August 12th, 2020 from 10am-2pm Where? Corpus Christi Catholic Church – 19800 Pembroke Ave, Detroit
Central City Integrated Health (CCIH) and Corpus Christi Catholic Church are working together to bring Antibody and COVID-19 testing to Northwest Detroit. Registrations are closed but there are still some openings for some walk-ins!
Who is CCIH? We are an integrated community health center in Midtown Detroit. We have been providing services to the community for over 40 years. To learn more about our agency, please visit our website at www.centralcityhealth.com.
For other Frequently Asked Questions click on red button
A personal endorsement: Having taken classes at SHMS and the four-year course on the Bible from Catholic Bible School of Michigan I can strongly support this joint effort of these two organizations! It is on-line. And it is free! Just follow that link: shms.edu/bible. Dcn Paul