Visitor Testimony
The funeral was over. A young blond woman from Cincinnati approached one of our Corpus Christi members in the church parking lot. She reported: "I came here so sad over the death of Jerry O'Neill. Now I am leaving in such joy after my experiences here at Corpus Christi today." Then she gave Lynn a great big hug, a hug of love and thanksgiving. The young woman went on to explain. When she arrived at church that morning she was greeted with a smile and a warm hug as she entered church. That was surprising. A hug and a smile at a funeral?! But there they were -- a man and a woman greeting people entering church with a smile, a warm greeting and a hug! And it did not end there. Fr. Don included some humor in his homily ... and the humor fit so well with Jerry's Irish temperament. The choir music was marvelous, soloists amazing, uplifting to our spirits! And then there was the warm kiss of peace, and the warm kiss of peace, and the warm kiss of peace. Wow, what a warm and friendly place here at Corpus Christi! Well, now the whole family knows why Jerry and Elaine have chosen this as their church home. All the visiting family members "felt nothing but love!" And then the young woman gave Lynn another big, warm hug of "thanks for the great experience". Other people gave similar compliments. The visiting priests and deacons smiled as they entered and received warm welcomes. Afterwards one deacon wrote an e-mail saying "You have an amazing parish. I can see why Jerry chose it as his spiritual home." Even the funeral director, who has clearly been to many a church funeral, commented on the great spirit he was pleased to experience at Corpus Christi. Yes, it is a joy to receive such compliments from visitors to Corpus Christi!
Parishioner Testimonies
... of the Lord of Christ and that we pray for him. Xavier H.
I feel the presence of Christ, closer to God & the people make me feel like we're one. Denise B.
the climate of faith, hospitality & rich liturgy nurture my being! Frances G.
it feels like home ... just what I needed. Lynn J.
I like the warm spiritual family I get when I worship. Theresa J.
Get closer to God learn about him the beginning of the week. Edna U.
It is family. I have always felt at home. NN
We are a socially responsible parish with areas that all can participate in both young and old. NN
I like the church. Ms. H.
It is my home church. I come because of the community, the diversity and the leadership of our pastor. Olivian D.
The warmth and acceptance of all the people, and the great pasturing, the very good liturgies, everything! Being able to take part in various rewarding and useful ministries especially music and liturgy. Sue V.
Because I sing to resolve the violence in my spirit. NN
I value and enjoy the diversity, the hospitality and friendliness of the congregation, the many social and outreach activities and the pro-activeness of our pastor. Paul B.
I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit during the singing of “Our Father”, hands held uniting everybody in the church. I feel healing, love, peace most at this time. This is sharing. I look forward to this every Sunday. That version of “Our Father”, was sung today. Henrrietta
I feel at home here. I find my peace here. Constance R.
Because of the welcoming community and the joy of teaching kids. Pierce M.
Because of it’s welcoming atmosphere, and less formal music. Lauren L.
My mama made me J Kevyn M.
Genuine family oriented in the name of Jesus. Amen. Kerry M.
Love and honor all people. Nicole S.
Michelle Baines and the choir, and the seniors in the church. NN
This is where I pay homage to the spirit of God. NN
It is my home and family. NN
Here I find family, love, and support, understanding, education, and friendship. I feel that I belong. Val B.
It ‘s a positive environment to learn of Christ and share as a community. (Great spiritual home.) J Tanya R.
It’s a family tradition, and the doughnuts. Andrew M.
This parish enables me to use my gifts and talents, and give back to God for all He has given to me. Thank you. Elaine O.
It is a REAL faith community. It is my family! NN
It has great people! NN
It’s family. NN
I connect with my welcoming and loving 9 a.m. church family every Sunday. NN
It is warm and everyone is nice. NN
Something I could do with my wife, and felt comfortable. NN
The word is powerful. NN
I feel needed. And I enjoy contributing my gifts! Alexis A.
Corpus Christi provides me the spiritual connection lacking at my previous parish. I like the community spirit and the many outreach activities. I feel as if I matter here. NN
Because I can always remember the message. It’s clear and it’s healing. It’s a praying church. NN.
I love God. NG
It is such a diverse community and because each member is encouraged to use their talents and gifts to build up the community. Also, I support efforts by the staff and parishioners to strengthen the neighborhood and the city. Andrea B.